Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
ProfJalalJalali SendiUniversity of GuilanIranEntomologyBest Researcher Award
DrShahzadAliHazara University, MansehraPakistanSustainable Agriculture and Food SystemBest Researcher Award
MrLuis EstebanOrozcoInstituto de Evaluación Tecnológica en Salud - IETSColombiaEconomic evaluation in healthBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrRezaMohammadiDryland Agricultural Research InstituteIrandrought stressBest Researcher Award
DrUtpolKumarSoil Resource Development InstituteBangladeshSoil Survey and Fertility MonitoringBest Researcher Award
DrYoussefBencharkiInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)MoroccoFarming with Alternative pollinatorsYoung Scientist Award
DrMarziehFotovvatKharazmi universityIranSustainable Agriculture and Food SystemBest Researcher Award
ProfShamsollahAyoubiIsfahan University of TechnologyIranPrecise soil managementBest Scholar Award
DrelenacervelliUniversity of Naples Federico IIItalyIdentification and development of marginal landsBest Researcher Award
MrSamuelKazesAlimentos Carnicos S.A.SColombiaBeverage - Cold Brew CoffeeBest Researcher Award
Prof DrZeynabRaftani AmiriSari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources UniversityIranFood formulation, bioactive compounds, functional foods, quality improvementWomen Researcher Award
DrIbrahimAl-OdatJadara UniversityJordanBeveragesExcellence in Research
Assist Prof DrRezaOvissipourTexas A&MUnited StatesCellular AgricultureBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrAhmadManbohiIranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric ScienceIrannutrients and hydrogen sulfide in sedimentsBest Researcher Award
DrSamuel IsraelLevy-TacherEl Colegio de la Frontera SurMexicoManejo de áreas degradadas por helechales (Pteridium arachnoideum)Best Researcher Award
MrPrateekGururaniGraphic Era UniversityIndiaSustainable agriculture and food systemBest Researcher Award
DrSomayehEmamiAgricultural Engineering Research InstituteIranImproving the livelihood of beneficiaruies- increasing water productivityBest Researcher Award
DrTizita EndaleElchoUniversityEthiopiasoil drgradationBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrNasserHajipourUniversity of TabrizIranZoonotic foodbornBest Researcher Award
Prof DrDioneiLima SantosInstituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará, Campus Conceição do AraguaiaBrazilAgricultural water managementBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for


The International Research Awards on sustainable agriculture and food system is a prestigious award that recognizes the exceptional exploration achievements and benefactions of scientists, masterminds, and experimenters in the field ...of Agriculture. The Sustainable Agriculture and Food System Awards can be organized annually or bi-annually and can be open to nominations from individuals, organizations, and businesses in the agriculture and food industry.

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