Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
MrsFATIHAAIT EL HAJEMIMoroccomoroccoBest Researcher Award
MrsKumudhiniAkasapuIndian Institute of Technology GuwahatiIndiaFood Processing, Food Product Development, Food Sensory AnalysisBest Researcher Award
MrAndualemAkliluSpace Science and Geospatial InstituteEthiopiaSustainable Agriculture and Food System.Best Researcher Award
MrAbdullaAl FaruqChinese Academy of Agricultural ScienceBangladeshSustainable Agriculture and Food SystemsBest Researcher Award
MrAHMEDAL MAYAHISultan Qaboos UniversityOmanArid zone countriesYoung Scientist Award
MrAhmedAl MayahiSultan Qaboos UniversityOmanArid CountriesBest Paper Award
Prof DrLaithAL-EitanJordan University of Science and TechnologyJordanBiosafety and BiosecurityBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrBasharAl-GburiUniversity of KufaIraqWeeds and HerbicidesBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrMohammadAl-NajjarApplied Science Private UniversityJordanMicrobiologyExcellence in Research
DrIbrahimAl-OdatJadara UniversityJordanBeveragesExcellence in Research
DrAhmedAl-OgaidiUniversity of MosulIraqIrrigation and DrainageBest Researcher Award
DrMfouaponAlassaUniversity of MarouaCameroonDemocracy, natural resources and agricultural aid effectivenessTop Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrStefaniaAlbrizioUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Federico IIItalyContaminanti chimici nel ciboWomen Researcher Award
DrFedericaAlcheraUniversità degli Studi di TorinoItalyRecupero dei sottoprodottiBest Researcher Award
ProfMohammadtaghiAlebrahimUniversity of Mohaghegh ArdabiliIranUse of weeds for curing cancer and other diseaseBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrHamdiyahAlhassanUniversity for Development StudiesGhanaFisheries and EnvironmentBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMd RostomAliBangladesh Agricultural UniversityBangladeshAgricultural EngineeringBest Researcher Award
DrBaberAliWestern Sydney UniversityAustraliaPlant-Microbe Interactions and Plant PhysiologyBest Researcher Award
DrShahzadAliHazara University, MansehraPakistanSustainable Agriculture and Food SystemBest Researcher Award
ProfAwniAlotoomuniversity of Doha for science and TechnologyQatarSmart Greenhouse in the middle eastBest Innovation Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
