Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
ProfAndreasvon TiedemannUniversität GöttingenGermanyNachhaltiger PflanzenschutzBest Researcher Award
DrSangVuVietnam National University, Ha NoiVietnamAquaculture GeneticsBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrAlexanderVyboishchikSouth Urals State UniversityRussiaMaterials Science in agricultureBest Faculty Award
DrLydiaWairegicurrently not affiliated to an institutionKenyasystems agronomyBest Researcher Award
DrSenaharaWakeAmbo UniversityEthiopiaStatisticsBest Researcher Award
DrDeyingWangBangor UniversityUnited KingdomSoil scienceBest Researcher Award
ProfYingliWangCardiff UniversityUnited Kingdomfood security and food povertyBest Researcher Award
DrYanWangZhejiang A & F UniversityChinaAnalysis of food safety and quality by advanced mass spectrometry techniquesBest Researcher Award
DrShengqiangWangGuangxi UniversityChinaSoil ecological restoration and reconstructionBest Researcher Award
MrJianfengWanggansu agricultural universityChinaGreen HorticultureBest Researcher Award
MrGUDUROWAREjimma universityEthiopiaRural DevelopmentBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrXudongWenChengdu University of Traditional Chinese MedicineChinaHomology of medicine and foodBest Researcher Award
MrEricWetendeNairobi City County GovernmentKenyaClimate Risk Management and Food SecurityBest Extension Activity Award
DrRoderickWilliamsUniversity of the West of ScotlandUnited KingdomSustainable  Agriculture and Food SystemBest Researcher Award
DrAbayineh AmareWoldeamanuelJimma UniversityEthiopiaSustainable Agriculture and Food SystemsBest Researcher Award
DrXuWuSchool of Civil Engineering, North Minzu UniversityChinaClimate Change and Water ResourcesBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrHaiyongXiaCrop Research Institute, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan, ChinaChinaIntercropping and crop biofortificationBest Researcher Award
MrJiaxunXinMinzu University of ChinaChinaLandscape effect on crop yieldBest Scholar Award
DrWuXiongNanjing Agricultural UniversityChinaSoil protists-microbiome interaction and plant healthBest Researcher Award
ProfNeelamYadavCentre of Food Tech , University of AllahabadIndiaFood Science , Chemistry and NutritionExcellence in Research
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
