Fiacre Zavinon | Crop Production | Best Researcher Award

Dr Fiacre Zavinon: Crop Production |  Best Researcher Award

Chercheur at Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Benin

Gbèwèdo Fiacre Gildas ZAVINON is a seasoned researcher with a wealth of expertise in Genetic and Plant Breeding. Born on 01/02/1986 in Abomey, Benin, Gbèwèdo currently holds a position at the Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Molecular Breeding (LAREGME/FASTUAC). His responsibilities include seed management, storage, and processing phenotypic and molecular data. Gbèwèdo earned his Doctorate in Life Sciences with a specialization in Genetic and Plant Breeding from the University of Abomey-Calavi. His doctoral research focused on the genetic diversity and association mapping of candidate genes/QTLs for agronomic traits in pigeon pea. Prior to his Ph.D., he completed a Master’s in Genetics, Biotechnologies, and Biological Resources, and a Bachelor’s in Natural Sciences (Biology).

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

📜 PhD in Life Sciences (Genetic and Plant Breeding) – UAC, 2015-2019 📚 Master in Genetics, Biotechnologies, and Biological Resources – UAC, 2009-2012 🎓 Licence in Natural Sciences (Biology) – UAC, 2006-2009 🎓 Bachelor in Science (Chemistry-Biology-Geology) – UAC, 2004-2006

🌐 Professional Experience:

🌱 Principal Investigator: Genetic improvement of pigeon pea project (IFS, 2019-2021) 🤝 Consultant: Projet PRO-Cashew & Appui au Développement Agricole des Collines 🎓 PhD Student: Genetic diversity and association mapping in pigeon pea (2016-2019) 🌿 Researcher: Ethnobotanical and genetic study of yellow yams (IFS, 2014-2017) 🌳 Researcher: National program for cashew tree selection and improvement (GIZ, 2014-2016)

📚 Training and Development:

🌐 Workshop on Benefits of ICT in agricultural productivity (Dec 2023) 🌊 Training on water reservoirs for agricultural resilience (Oct 2023) 💼 Business Development and Innovation workshop (Sep 2023) 📜 Distance course on UPOV plant variety protection (Oct-Nov 2023) 🏆 Quality Management ISO 9001:2015 training (Nov 2019) 🌳 Population genetics applied to forest management (Dec 2018) 🌐 Workshop for developing training offers in Genetics and Biotechnology (Feb 2016) 🌾 Interdisciplinary research for food security (Apr 2014)

🍇 Research Focus:

Dr. Gbèwèdo Fiacre Gildas Zavinon’s research revolves around unraveling the genetic intricacies of crops, with a primary focus on pigeon pea and rice in the context of Benin. His work includes association mapping of quantitative trait loci in pigeon pea, evaluating genetic diversity using SSR markers, and analyzing genotype x environment interactions for agronomic performance. Driven by a passion for biodiversity conservation, his investigations extend to Vitex doniana populations. Zavinon’s multidimensional research, spanning SSR and SNP markers, contributes to understanding genetic resources for crop improvement, ensuring sustainable agriculture for a resilient future. 🌱🔍


Publications Top Notes:🌐🔬