Daouda Guebre | soil conservation | SustainableAg Leadership Award

Dr Daouda Guebre | soil conservation | SustainableAg Leadership Award

Assistant in Agroecology and Agropedology at  Ziniaré University Center/University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Burkina Faso

Daouda Guébré is a Burkinabe agroecologist, agro-pedologist, and teacher-researcher with a passion for sustainable agriculture and soil conservation. Born on December 29, 1987, in Iboké, Ivory Coast, Guébré’s academic journey began with a Bachelor’s degree in General Geological Sciences from Joseph Ki Zerbo University (UJKZ) in 2011. He pursued further education, earning Master’s degrees in Fundamental and Applied Geology, as well as Soils & Environment, from UJKZ between 2011 and 2016.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

📚 Education:

  • Ph.D. in Agroecology/Agro-pedology, Joseph Ki Zerbo University (UJKZ), 2017-2020
  • Master’s Degree in Soils & Environment, UJKZ, 2013-2016
  • Master’s Degree in Fundamental and Applied Geology, UJKZ, 2011-2012
  • Bachelor in General Geological Sciences, UJKZ, 2010-2011
  • General University Diploma in Biological and Geological Sciences, UJKZ, 2009-2010
  • Baccalauréat D, Lycée Municipal de San Pedro (RCI), 2007-2008

👨‍🏫 Professional Experiences:

  • Teacher Researcher at Ziniaré University Center/Joseph Ki Zerbo University, Burkina Faso, since 2021
  • Ph.D. Agroecologist/Agro-pedologist at Joseph Ki Zerbo University (UJKZ), 2017-2020

🏆 Awards:

  • 1st Prize, International Synthesis and Scientific Communication Competition (My thesis in 180 seconds), 2018
  • Winner of the 1st Prize of the Jury and 1st Prize of the Public

🔧 Skills:

  • Proficient in Microsoft and Libre Office suites, statistical software (R Commander, XLSTAT, SPSS), and internet research
  • Fluent in French and professional English

👩‍🔬 Research Focus:

Daouda Guébré’s research primarily focuses on sustainable agricultural practices and soil conservation in Sahelian agro-ecosystems. He investigates the efficacy of woody residue amendments in enhancing soil fertility and crop productivity, particularly in Burkina Faso’s challenging climate. His studies delve into intercropping systems involving sorghum, cowpea, and other staple crops, aiming to optimize resource use and mitigate environmental degradation. Through rigorous experimentation and analysis, he contributes valuable insights into agro-ecological practices that promote resilience and food security in vulnerable regions. Daouda’s work underscores the importance of integrating traditional knowledge with modern scientific approaches for sustainable land management and agricultural development.

Publications Top Notes:
  1. Nutrient cycling and microbial responses to termite and earthworm activity in soils amended with woody residues in the Sudano-Sahel
    Authors: Traoré, S., Guébré, D., Hien, E., Lorenz, N., Dick, R.P.
    Journal: European Journal of Soil Biology, 2022, 109, 103381
  2. Performance of sorghum-cowpea mixed cropping system on sorghum and soils productivities in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso | Performance de l’association mixte sorgho-niébé sur les productivités du sorgho et des sols en zone Soudano-Sahélienne du Burkina Faso
    Authors: Zongo, K.F., Hien, E., Mare, B.T., Guebre, D.
    Journal: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2021, 15(3), pp. 987–1005
  3. Soil macrofaunal activity, microbial catabolic limitations and nutrient cycling in cropping systems amended with woody residues and nitrogen inputs
    Authors: Guébré, D., Traoré, S., Hien, E., Bationo, B.A., Wiesmeier, M.
    Journal: Pedobiologia, 2020, 83, 150686