Prof Dr Pandiyan Muthaiyan | Plant Breeding | Global Food Systems Innovator Award

Prof Dr  Pandiyan Muthaiyan | Plant Breeding | Global Food Systems Innovator Award


Dr. M. Pandiyan, a distinguished figure in the field of Plant Breeding and Genetics, serves as the Dean at the Agricultural College and Research Institute (AC & RI), TNAU, located in Vazhavachanur, Tiruvannamalai. With a robust academic background including a Ph.D. in Plant Breeding and Genetics, Dr. Pandiyan brings over 29 years of research experience, 10 years in teaching, 29 years in extension work, and 9 years in administration to his current role.



MSc(Agri.) Ph.D. in Plant Breeding and Genetics 🎓


  • Research: 29 years 🧪
  • Teaching: 10 years 👨‍🏫
  • Extension: 29 years 🌱
  • Administration: 9 years 💼


Released 17 varieties focusing on nutritional importance 🏆. Notable varieties include Blackgram, Greengram, Redgram, Gingelly, and Groundnut 🌾. Pioneered high protein, oleic acid, oil content, vitamins, and biofortified zinc and iron crops 🥜

🔍 Research Focus: Plant Breeding

Dr. M. Pandiyan’s research in Plant Breeding primarily focuses on developing high-yielding and nutritionally enriched crop varieties, especially in pulses/legumes. His work aims to enhance crop productivity, nutritional value, and adaptability to various agro-climatic conditions. Through innovative breeding techniques, Dr. Pandiyan has pioneered the development of varieties such as Blackgram-VBN 6, Greengram VRM 1, and Gingelly VRI-4, contributing significantly to agricultural sustainability and food security.


  • All: 1149
  • Since 2019: 831


  • All: 18
  • Since 2019: 15


  • All: 27
  • Since 2019: 20

Publications Top Notes

  1. “Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV): a threat to green gram (Vigna radiata) production in Asia” Authors: A Karthikeyan, VG Shobhana, M Sudha, M Raveendran, N Senthil, M. Pandiyan, et al. Published in: International Journal of Pest Management, 2014 Citations: 109
  2. “Novel Genetic Resources in the Genus Vigna Unveiled from Gene Bank Accessions” Authors: NT Takahashi Y, Somta P, Muto C, Iseki K, Naito K, Pandiyan M, Senthil Natesan Published in: PLOS ONE, 2016 Citations: 96
  3. “Interspecific hybridization of Vigna radiata x 13 wild Vigna species for developing MYMV donor” Authors: ADTJ Pandiyan M, N. Senthil, N. Ramamoorthi, AR. Muthiah, N. Tomooka Published in: Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 2010 Citations: 68
  4. “Inheritance of resistance to mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) in inter and intra specific crosses of mungbean (Vigna radiata)” Authors: M Sudha, A Karthikeyan, P Anusuya, NM Ganesh, M Pandiyan, N Senthil, et al. Published in: American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013 Citations: 63
  5. “Broadening the genetic base and introgression of MYMV resistance and yield improvement through unexplored genes from wild relatives in mungbean” Authors: PNPB Pandiyan M, N. Ramamoorthi, S.K. Ganesh, S. Jebaraj Published in: Plant Mutation Report, 2008 Citations: 50
  6. “Screening of mungbean (Vigna radiata) germplasm for resistance to Mungbean yellow mosaic virus using agroinoculation” Authors: M Sudha, A Karthikeyan, P Nagarajan, M Raveendran, N Senthil, M. Pandiyan, et al. Published in: Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2013 Citations: 49

Ahmad Manbohi | Agrochemistry | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr  Ahmad Manbohi | Agrochemistry | Best Researcher Award

Assistant prof at  Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science, Iran

Ahmad Manbohi is an accomplished researcher with expertise in environmental chemistry and green technologies. He holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry and Green Technologies from the Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Research Center of Iran, where his thesis focused on the preparation and application of nanostructured sorbents in sample preparation and microextraction of drugs. With a Master’s degree from Tarbiat Modares University and a Bachelor’s from Rajaee Teacher Training University, Ahmad’s academic journey reflects his commitment to advancing his field.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry and Green Technologies, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Research Center of Iran, 2011–2015 M.Sc. in Chemistry, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, 2009–2011 B.Sc. in Chemistry, Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran, 2005–2009

🔬 Research Experience:

Visiting Research at Harvard University, USA, 2015: Developed organs-on-a-chip platforms for real-time monitoring of biochemical parameters. Ph.D. Research at Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Research Center of Iran, 2011–2015: Specialized in electrochemical microextraction. Research Assistant, focusing on projects such as adsorptive removal of pollutants and extraction of antibiotics using nanoparticles.

👨‍🏫 Teaching:

Instructed courses in Analytical Chemistry and supervised laboratory sessions.

Ahmad Manbohi is a dedicated researcher with expertise in environmental chemistry, particularly in the development of novel analytical methods for monitoring pollutants. His work spans from academia to practical applications, contributing significantly to the understanding and mitigation of environmental issues.

🌱 Research Focus: Agrochemistry

Ahmad Manbohi’s research interests include the study of agrochemicals’ impact on soil and water quality, as well as the development of sustainable agricultural practices. He has investigated the occurrence and distribution of agrochemical residues in water bodies, focusing on their environmental fate and potential ecological risks. Additionally, he has contributed to the development of analytical methods for detecting and monitoring agrochemical contaminants in various environmental matrices.


1,144 Citations: This indicates the total number of times the researcher’s work has been cited by other scholarly documents. Citations are a measure of the influence and significance of a researcher’s contributions to their field. 1,043 Documents: This refers to the total number of scholarly documents authored or co-authored by the researcher. These documents include journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, and other scholarly publications. 22 h-index: The h-index is a metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar. An h-index of 22 means that the researcher has published 22 papers that have each received at least 22 citations.

Publications Top Notes:

  1. Distribution of Microplastics in Upstream and Downstream Surface Waters of the Iranian Rivers Discharging to the Southern Caspian Sea
    • Journal: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(40), pp. 92359–92370
    • Citations: 3
  2. Sources and Hotspots of Microplastics of the Rivers Ending to the Southern Caspian Sea
    • Journal: Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 188, 114562
    • Citations: 7
  3. Catalytic Nanozyme Zn/Cl-doped Carbon Quantum Dots as Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe for Sequential On-Off-On Detection of Riboflavin, Cu2+, and Thiamine
    • Journal: Scientific Reports, 2022, 12(1), 18276
    • Citations: 7
  4. Portable Smartphone-Based Colorimetric System for Simultaneous On-Site Microfluidic Paper-Based Determination and Mapping of Phosphate, Nitrite, and Silicate in Coastal Waters
    • Journal: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2022, 194(3), 190
    • Citations: 12
  5. Nicotinamide-Functionalized Carbon Quantum Dot as New Sensing Platform for Portable Quantification of Vitamin B12 in Fluorescence, UV–Vis and Smartphone Triple Mode
    • Journal: Journal of Fluorescence, 2022, 32(2), pp. 681–689
    • Citations: 6
  6. Microplastic Pollution in Inshore and Offshore Surface Waters of the Southern Caspian Sea
    • Journal: Chemosphere, 2021, 281, 130896
    • Citations: 29
  7. Spatial Distribution of Microplastics in Sandy Beach and Inshore-Offshore Sediments of the Southern Caspian Sea
    • Journal: Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021, 169, 112578
    • Citations: 17
  8. Rapid and Sensitive Fluorescence and Smartphone Dual-Mode Detection of Dopamine Based on Nitrogen-Boron Co-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots
    • Journal: Microchimica Acta, 2020, 187(10), 569
    • Citations: 29