post-doc at University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Academic Background:
PhD in Physiological Sciences, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil (2012). Post-doc in Fish Cardiovascular Physiology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (2017-2024)
Teaching Experience:
Cardiovascular Physiology, São Paulo State University, Brazil (2017-2019). Various courses in Biological Sciences and Physiology in Brazil (2004-2019)
Awards and Recognition:
Best poster presentation, 5th International Course on Comparative Physiology (2019). Honorable mention, 9th Brazilian Congress of Herpetology (2019). Novo Nordisk Travel Award ($500), The American Physiological Society (2014)
Scientific Outreach:
Presented at international conferences in Austria, France, Italy, and more. Invited talks at DigiHeart Kick-off meeting (Faroe Islands) and Instituto Butantan (Brazil).
Research Focus :