Susannah Sallu | Climate Change | Best Researcher Award

Dr Susannah Sallu | Climate Change | Best Researcher Award

Associate Professor at School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds, United Kingdom,

Dr. Susannah M. Sallu is an Associate Professor in Environment and Development at the Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK. With a background in interdisciplinary research, she focuses on rural livelihoods, environmental change, marginalization, natural resource governance, and agricultural development in tropical and subtropical environments. Dr. Sallu specializes in the theoretical and empirical intersections of political ecology, complex systems science, and environmental justice, with regional expertise in Africa.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

📚 Education:

  • DPhil. Geography, University of Oxford, UK (2003-2007)
  • MSc. Environmental Technology, Imperial College, University of London, UK (1998-1999)
  • BSc (Hons). Tropical Environmental Science, University of Aberdeen, UK (1994-1998)

🌱 PhD Supervision:

With a strong commitment to early career researchers, Dr. Sallu is currently supervising four PhD researchers and has successfully mentored 15 others to completion, covering diverse topics in environmental science and development.

🌍 Academic Service and Leadership:

Dr. Sallu serves as the Director of Masters Education at the School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds, and has been actively involved in various leadership roles, committees, and research groups.

📚 Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

Dr. Sallu has contributed to impactful research, including an upcoming article that challenges universal applications of Western definitions and measurement indicators of women’s empowerment.

Research Focus 📝:

Dr. Sallu’s research encompasses transformative adaptation for climate-smart nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa, as evidenced by her recent article in Nature Food. 🍽️ Stakeholder-driven approaches are vital for addressing climate challenges in agriculture and nutrition.

Additionally, she explores the dynamics of gender mainstreaming in Tanzania’s climate-smart agricultural policy, contributing to the discourse on inclusive and equitable climate strategies. 🌱 Her work extends to international humanitarian narratives, investigating the intersection of disasters, crises, and Indigeneity.

Dr. Sallu’s expertise also shines in methodological lessons for negotiating power and resilience in climate change research, as demonstrated in World Development. 🌐 Lastly, her contribution to understanding the role of agricultural fallows in natural forest regeneration in Tanzania is highlighted in Environmental Research Letters. 🌳

Citation Metrics:

  • Total Citations: 1,735
  • Total Documents: 1,604
  • Total Number of Publications: 63
  • h-index: 22

The h-index is a measure that combines both the productivity and impact of a researcher’s work. An h-index of 22 suggests that there are 22 publications that have each been cited at least 22 times.

Publications Top Notes:

  1. “Stakeholder-driven transformative adaptation is needed for climate-smart nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa”
    • Authors: Jennings, S., Challinor, A., Smith, P., Horgan, G., Benton, T.
    • Journal: Nature Food, 2024, 5(1), pp. 37–47
  2. “How gender mainstreaming plays out in Tanzania’s climate-smart agricultural policy: Isomorphic mimicry of international discourse”
    • Authors: Smith, R., Mdee, A., Sallu, S.
    • Journal: Development Policy Review, 2023, 41(6), e12718
  3. “International humanitarian narratives of disasters, crises, and Indigeneity”
    • Authors: Mosurska, A., Clark-Ginsberg, A., Ford, J., Sallu, S.M., Davis, K.
    • Journal: Disasters, 2023, 47(4), pp. 913–941
  4. “Methodological lessons for negotiating power, political capabilities, and resilience in research on climate change responses”
    • Authors: Tschakert, P., Parsons, M., Atkins, E., Steen, K., Ziervogel, G.
    • Journal: World Development, 2023, 167, 106247
  5. “Agricultural fallows are the main driver of natural forest regeneration in Tanzania”
    • Authors: Doggart, N., Mugasha, W.A., Mpiri, A., Sallu, S.M., Spracklen, D.V.
    • Journal: Environmental Research Letters, 2023, 18(5), 054008


Dejene Mengistu | Climate Change | Best Researcher Award

Dr Dejene Mengistu | Climate Change | Best Researcher Award

Research lead at  Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, Ethiopia

Dr. Dejene Kassahun Mengistu is an Ethiopian scientist specializing in Agrobiodiversity with a Ph.D. in Agrobiodiversity, focusing on the plant genetic resources characterization of Ethiopian durum wheat (Wheat Genetics and Breeding) obtained from 2011 to 2014. He also holds an MSc in International Resource Development from the University of Bangor Wales (UK) earned in 2008 and a BSc in Crop Science from Mekelle University obtained in 2003.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓


  • 🎓 Ph.D. in Agrobiodiversity (Plant Genetic Resources Characterization of Ethiopian Durum Wheat – 2011 – 2014)
  • 🎓 MSc in International Resource Development from the University of Bangor Wales (UK) – 2007 – 2008
  • 🎓 BSc in Crop Science from Mekelle University – 1999 – 2003

Work Experience:

  • 🌱 Scientist, Participatory Crop Improvement at Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT (ex-Bioversity)
    • 🌏 Global Projects Management:
      • Use of genetic diversity and Evolutionary Plant Breeding for Enhanced Farmer Resilience to Climate Change, Sustainable Productivity, and Nutrition Under Rainfed Conditions (2018 – 2023)
      • Upscaling Access to Crowdsourced “Winner” Seed Varieties in Ethiopia (2020 – 2023)
      • TPP Project – Socio-economic Viability of Agroecological Practices in Kenya
    • 📈 Impact: Seed sector development, varietal portfolio improvement through participatory varietal selection, and crowdsourcing crop improvement.
  • 🌱 Consultant for Integrated Seed System Development for Bioversity International
    • 🔄 Role: Integration of seeds4Needs approach (Crowdsourcing) into the bilateral project of Integrated Seeds System Development between Ethiopia and The Netherlands.
  • 🌱 Assistant Lecturer – Associate Professor at Mekelle University, Ethiopia
    • 📚 Teaching responsibilities: Drought Management, Plant Physiology, Plant Genetics, Statistics, Biometry, and Experimental Design, Plant Breeding.
    • 🌐 Master of Science Study at Bangor University, Wales, UK – International Natural Resources Development with specialization in Plant Stress Physiology.


Research Focus 📝:

Dr. Dejene Kassahun Mengistu’s pioneering work centers on the intersection of crop diversity, climate change, and resilient farming practices. His research spans various critical areas, including farmers’ perceptions of climate change and coping strategies, as evidenced in the case study from Adiha, central Tigray, Ethiopia. He has significantly contributed to the field of citizen science, particularly in crop variety management for climate adaptation, exemplified by his work on crowdsourcing participatory variety selection.

Additionally, Dr. Mengistu’s high-density molecular characterization and association mapping in Ethiopian durum wheat landraces showcase his commitment to advancing wheat breeding for greater diversity. His integrated agronomic crop management strategies, particularly in improving tef productivity under terminal drought, underline his dedication to sustainable water stress management in agriculture.

Innovative approaches, such as crowdsourcing through on-farm triadic comparisons of technologies (tricot), mark Dr. Mengistu’s commitment to engaging farmers in the research process, promoting inclusivity, and enhancing agricultural practices. His impactful research reflects a holistic perspective on addressing the challenges posed by climate change and promoting sustainable agricultural solutions. 🌱🔍



All-Time Metrics:

  • 📖 Total Citations: 1429
  • 📊 h-index: 18
  • 🔍 i10-index: 24

Metrics Since 2019:

  • 📖 Citations: 1117
  • 📊 h-index: 17
  • 🔍 i10-index: 24

Dr. Mengistu’s significant impact is evident in his substantial citation count, reflecting the influence and recognition of his scholarly contributions. The h-index measures both the productivity and impact of his work, while the i10-index indicates the number of publications with at least 10 citations. These metrics collectively underscore the enduring relevance and influence of Dr. Mengistu’s research in the academic community. 🌐📊


Publications Top Notes:

Jose Goldemberg | Climate Change | Lifetime achievement Award

Prof Dr Jose Goldemberg | Climate Change | Lifetime achievement Award

Senior Professor at  University of SAO Paulo, Brazil

José Goldemberg is a distinguished Brazilian physicist and researcher specializing in electric engineering, sustainability, renewable energy, and biofuels. He graduated with a degree in Physics from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) in 1960 and earned his Ph.D. in Physics from the same institution in 1954. His academic journey includes a postdoctoral period and habilitation at USP.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

📚 Education:

  • Ph.D. in Physics, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil, 1950-1954
  • Graduation in Physics, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil, 1945-1950

👨‍🏫 Professional Experience:

  • A retired professor at Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Energia e Ambiente.
  • Co-President of the Global Energy Assessment.
  • Researcher at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IASA), Austria.


Research Focus 📝:

Dr. José Goldemberg is a distinguished researcher with a multifaceted focus on environmental sustainability and energy policy. His extensive contributions span various domains, including the reduction of CO2e emissions in the transportation sector, the evolution of energy and carbon intensities in developing countries, and the critical role of biomass in meeting the Paris Agreement. With a keen interest in socioeconomic externalities, Dr. Goldemberg has assessed the impacts of hydropower plants in Brazil and delved into the complex dynamics of scaling up biofuels. Additionally, his work addresses pressing global issues such as household air pollution, health, and climate change. In the realm of global geopolitics, Dr. Goldemberg has explored the denuclearization of Brazil and Argentina, providing valuable insights into peace and nuclear disarmament. His comprehensive perspectives on the world’s energy system showcase a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities in shaping a sustainable future. Dr. Goldemberg’s research legacy stands as a beacon, guiding advancements in environmental science and energy policy. Research Focus Keywords: Environmental Sustainability, Energy Policy, Climate Change Mitigation, Biomass, Hydropower, Socioeconomic Externalities, Nuclear Disarmament, Global Energy System Perspectives.


  1. Citações (Citations):
    • Total de Citações: 21.236
    • Citações Desde 2019: 4.948

    Esses números indicam a quantidade total de vezes que suas obras foram citadas. A contagem desde 2019 sugere a quantidade de citações mais recentes.

  2. Índice h (h-index):
    • Índice h Total: 66
    • Índice h Desde 2019: 34

    O índice h é uma métrica que tenta quantificar tanto a produtividade quanto o impacto de um pesquisador. Por exemplo, um índice h de 66 significa que há pelo menos 66 trabalhos que foram citados pelo menos 66 vezes cada.

  3. Índice i10 (i10-index):
    • Índice i10 Total: 196
    • Índice i10 Desde 2019: 92

    O índice i10 é semelhante ao índice h, mas considera apenas os artigos que receberam pelo menos 10 citações cada.

Publications Top Notes:



Mohadeseh Amiri | Climate Change | Best Researcher Award

Dr Mohadeseh Amiri | Climate Change | Best Researcher Award

Researcher at  Isfahan University of Technology, Iran

Dr. Mohadeseh Amiri holds a Ph.D. in Rangeland Sciences and is affiliated with Isfahan University of Technology (IUT). Her expertise lies in the field of Rangeland Sciences, showcasing a dedication to advancing knowledge in this domain.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🌱 Research Focus:

Mohadeseh Amiri’s research primarily revolves around environmental ecology and remote sensing applications. Her work encompasses a diverse range of topics, including the use of natural fluorophores in chemiluminescence reactions, fuzzy classification for mapping invasive species, spatiotemporal variability of soil moisture in arid vegetation communities, and modeling the biological invasion of Prosopis juliflora under climate change. Additionally, she explores habitat degradation of Ursus arctos using species distribution modeling and remote sensing, as well as predicting desert dust sources through machine learning-driven scenario-based models. Her multifaceted research contributes to a deeper understanding of ecological dynamics and environmental challenges. 🌍🌿📡


  • Citations: 55 citations received by the researcher across 54 documents.
  • Documents: The researcher has authored 9 documents.
  • h-index: The h-index is a metric that reflects both the productivity and impact of a researcher’s work. In this case, the h-index is 4.

The h-index suggests that there are 4 documents that have each been cited at least 4 times. These metrics are commonly used to assess the impact and influence of a researcher’s work in the academic community.

Publications Top Notes:

  1. “Machine learning-driven scenario-based models for predicting desert dust sources in central playas of Iran”
    • Authors: Jafari, R.; Amiri, M.; Jebali, A.
    • Journal: Catena, 2024, 234, 107618
  2. “Comparison of Regression and Machine Learning Techniques in Determination of Geographical Range of Onobrychis cornuta L. Under Environmental Characteristics and Climate Change Using the IPSL-CM6A-LR Model”
    • Authors: Jafarian, Z.; Amiri, M.
    • Journal: Journal of Environmental Studies, 2023, 49(1), pp. 107–120
  3. “Dust source susceptibility mapping based on remote sensing and machine learning techniques”
    • Authors: Jafari, R.; Amiri, M.; Asgari, F.; Tarkesh, M.
    • Journal: Ecological Informatics, 2022, 72, 101872
  4. “Modelling the biological invasion of Prosopis juliflora using geostatistical-based bioclimatic variables under climate change in arid zones of southwestern Iran”
    • Authors: Amiri, M.; Tarkesh, M.; Shafiezadeh, M.
    • Journal: Journal of Arid Land, 2022, 14(2), pp. 203–224
    • Authors: Hosseini, S.P.; Amiri, M.; Senn, J.
    • Journal: Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2022, 20(1), pp. 153–170

These articles cover a diverse range of topics, including machine learning applications, ecological modeling, dust source mapping, and the impact of environmental factors on species distribution. 📚🌍


Rupal Mangukiya | Climate Change | Member

Dr Rupal Mangukiya | Climate Change |  Member

Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator at  Cottey College, United States

Rupal D. Mangukiya is an accomplished professional with 9 years of full-time equivalent experience in teaching and research at the college and university level. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Environmental Science and Public Policy from George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA, with a GPA of 3.7. Her academic journey also includes a Master of Science in Environmental Science & Technology from the Institute of Science and Technology for Advanced Studies and Research in India, and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Natubhai V. Patel College of Pure and Applied Sciences, India.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

  • Ph.D. in Environmental Sci. and Public Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA (2014-2020)
  • M.Sc. in Environmental Science & Technology, ISTAR, Charuter Vidya Mandal University, India (2009-2011)
  • B.Sc. in Environmental Science, NVPAS, Charuter Vidya Mandal University, India (2006-2009)

👩‍🏫 Teaching Experience:

  • Current Position (08/2021 – Present):
    • Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator of Environmental Studies at Cottey College, Nevada, MO.
    • Courses: Introductory Environmental Science, Geographic Info Systems, Environmental Justice, World Regional Geography, and Capstone Courses.
    • Responsibilities: Curriculum development, teaching, advising, managing research projects, and organizing co-curricular activities.
    • Administrative duties include updating program goals, curriculum, course schedule, and budget.

Research Focus:

Ph.D. research covered Waterscape Ecology/Management, Environmental Policy, Land use Modeling Techniques, Geographic Information System (ArcGIS), Quantitative Methods, and Intro to Natural Resource Law.

Dr. Rupal D. Mangukiya is a dedicated educator and researcher, passionate about fostering environmental awareness and sustainable practices. Her expertise extends to curriculum development, research, and program coordination. With a commitment to utilizing technology for effective teaching, she plays a pivotal role in shaping the Environmental Studies program at Cottey College. Connect with her on LinkedIn for insights into environmental science and education. 🌿📚


Publications Top Notes: