Mst. Sarmina Yeasmin | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr Mst. Sarmina  Yeasmin | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Principal Scientific Officer at  Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Bangladesh

Dr. Sarmina Yeasmin, a prominent figure in scientific research, serves as the Principal Scientific Officer at the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) in Rajshahi. With a Ph.D. in Environmental Science from the University of Rajshahi, she specializes in converting agricultural waste into value-added products. Her academic journey includes an impressive track record, including a First Class M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry & Chemical Technology and a B.Sc. (Honours) from the same institution.


Academic Background:

Ph.D. in Environmental Science, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh (2016). M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry & Chemical Technology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh (2005). B.Sc. (Honours) in Applied Chemistry & Chemical Technology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh (2003)

Professional Experiences:

Principal Scientific Officer, BCSIR, Rajshahi (2019 – Present). Senior Scientific Officer, BCSIR, Rajshahi (2011 – 2019). Scientific Officer, BCSIR, Rajshahi (2006 – 2011). Part-time Lecturer, Department of Materials Science and Technology, University of Rajshahi (2008 – 2009)

Training & Expertise:

Proficient in operating and maintaining various scientific instruments. Trained in Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIRO), Melbourne, Australia. Specialized in analysis of polymeric products and extraction/purification of oils and plants

Research Focus: Environmental Science

Dr. Mst. Sarmina Yeasmin’s research in environmental science primarily centers around sustainable utilization of agro residue as waste, particularly in the context of food production. Her work includes investigating innovative methods to convert agricultural waste, such as corn waste, into value-added products. Through her expertise in polymer science, materials science, and oils and fats research, Dr. Yeasmin aims to contribute to environmental sustainability by developing strategies for reducing waste and maximizing resource efficiency in food and agricultural industries.


Since 2019, Dr. Mst. Sarmina Yeasmin has been cited 630 times, with an h-index of 12 and an i10-index of 14. Overall, her work has garnered a total of 973 citations. These metrics indicate a significant impact in her field, reflecting the recognition and influence of her research contributions within the academic community.

Publications Top Notes 📰

  1. “Preparation of food grade carboxymethyl cellulose from corn husk agrowaste”
    • Authors: MIH Mondal, MS Yeasmin, MS Rahman
    • Published in: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015
    • Citations: 217
  2. “Synthesis of highly substituted carboxymethyl cellulose depending on cellulose particle size”
    • Authors: MS Yeasmin, MIH Mondal
    • Published in: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015
    • Citations: 138
  3. “Characteristics of oils and nutrient contents of Nigella sativa Linn. and Trigonella foenum-graecum seeds”
    • Authors: MA Ali, MA Sayeed, MS Alam, MS Yeasmin, AM Khan, II Muhamad
    • Published in: Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 2012
    • Citations: 98
  4. “Antimicrobial screening of different extracts of Piper longum Linn”
    • Authors: MA Ali, NM Alam, MS Yeasmin, AM Khan, MA Sayeed, VB Rao
    • Published in: Research Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 2007
    • Citations: 85
  5. “Antimicrobial screening of Cassia fistula and Mesua ferrea”
    • Authors: MA Ali, MA Sayeed, MSA Bhuiyan, FI Sohel, MS Yeasmin
    • Published in: Journal of Medical Sciences, 2004
    • Citations: 67
  6. “Characteristics of seed oils and nutritional compositions of seeds from different varieties of Momordica charantia Linn. cultivated in Bangladesh”
    • Authors: MA Ali, MA Sayeed, MS Reza, MS Yeasmin, AM Khan
    • Published in: Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 2008
    • Citations: 64


Guillermo Martinez Pastur | Forest management | Lifetime achievement Award

Dr Guillermo Martinez Pastur | Forest management | Lifetime achievement Award

Investigador Principal at  CONICET Argentina, Argentina

Guillermo José Martínez Pastur is a renowned researcher specializing in silviculture, forest management, biodiversity conservation, and landscape ecology. Born on October 31, 1965, in San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, he holds a Ph.D. and has been actively contributing to the field since 1999. Martínez Pastur has held positions at prestigious institutions such as CONICET and has served as an agent for the Directorate of Forests of Tierra del Fuego. With a focus on ecosystem services, he has made significant contributions to academia, as evidenced by his publications and citations. Currently based in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Martínez Pastur continues his research at CADIC while also engaging in various collaborative projects.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Forest Engineering from the National University of La Plata (UNLP), followed by a Master’s and a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences from the National University of the South (UNSur).

👨‍💼 Professional Journey:

Martínez Pastur’s professional journey has been marked by his roles as a researcher at CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council) and various positions within the forestry sector, including the Directorate of Forests of Tierra del Fuego.

📚 Expertise:

His expertise spans silviculture, forest management, biodiversity conservation, landscape ecology, and ecosystem services, reflected in his numerous publications and research projects.


🌱 Research Focus: Forest management

🌲 Silviculture and Forest Management: Martínez Pastur’s expertise lies in the cultivation and management of forests, including techniques for enhancing forest health, productivity, and resilience to environmental challenges. 🌿 Biodiversity Conservation: He investigates strategies for preserving and enhancing biodiversity within forest ecosystems, recognizing the vital role of diverse flora and fauna in ecosystem stability and resilience. 🌍 Ecology of Landscapes: Martínez Pastur explores the intricate relationships between land use, landscape structure, and ecological processes, aiming to inform landscape-level management decisions for maximizing ecological integrity.🔄 Ecosystem Services: His research delves into the provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural services provided by forests, aiming to quantify and optimize these services for human well-being and environmental sustainability.


  • Citations (Since 2019): 5139
  • h-index (Since 2019): 31
  • i10-index (Since 2019): 136


Publications Top Notes:

  1. Gustafsson, L., Baker, S.C., Bauhus, J., Beese, W.J., Brodie, A., Kouki, J., … Martínez Pastur, G. (2012). Retention forestry to maintain multifunctional forests: a world perspective. BioScience, 62(7), 633-645. (Citations: 894)
  2. Lindenmayer, D.B., Franklin, J.F., Lõhmus, A., Baker, S.C., Bauhus, J., Beese, W., … Martínez Pastur, G. (2012). A major shift to the retention approach for forestry can help resolve some global forest sustainability issues. Conservation letters, 5(6), 421-431. (Citations: 452)
  3. Martínez Pastur, G., Peri, P.L., Lencinas, M.V., García-Llorente, M., & others. (2016). Spatial patterns of cultural ecosystem services provision in Southern Patagonia. Landscape ecology, 31, 383-399. (Citations: 247)
  4. Anderson, C.B., Pastur, G.M., Lencinas, M.V., Wallem, P.K., Moorman, M.C., & others. (2009). Do introduced North American beavers Castor canadensis engineer differently in southern South America? An overview with implications for restoration. Mammal Review, 39(1), 33-52. (Citations: 179)

Tizita Endale Elcho | Soil Degradation | Best Researcher Award

Dr Tizita Endale Elcho |  Soil Degradation |  Best Researcher Award

Dr. Tizita Endale is a seasoned researcher and educator specializing in land degradation, soil quality, and erosion. With over a decade of experience, she has contributed significantly to these fields through her extensive research, publications, and teaching roles.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Educational Background:

PhD in Bioscience Engineering from KU Leuven and Gent University, Belgium. MSc in Soil Science from Haramaya University, Ethiopia. BSc in Natural Resource Management from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia

👩‍🔬 Employment History:

Soil and Water Conservation Expert at Gamo Gofa Zone Agriculture and Rural Development Office. Research Fellowship Program in Rome, Italy. Lecturer and Laboratory Coordinator at the College of Agricultural Sciences, Arba Minch University.

🔬 Research Focus: Soil Degradation

Dr. Endale’s primary focus lies in understanding soil degradation processes, particularly in agricultural fields along elevation gradients in the Southern Ethiopian Rift. Her research explores the impacts of environmental factors on soil health and degradation, aiming to develop sustainable land management strategies.


Publications Top Notes:

  1. Applicability of visual and analytical soil quality indicators in environmentally diverse catchments of the Ethiopian Rift
    • Authors: Endale, T., Diels, J., Tsegaye, D., Belayneh, L., Verdoodt, A.
    • Journal: Soil and Tillage Research, 2024, 240, 106072
  2. Life cycle of gullies: a susceptibility assessment in the Southern Main Ethiopian Rift
    • Authors: Belayneh, L., Kervyn, M., Gulie, G., Sekajugo, J., Dewitte, O.
    • Journal: Natural Hazards, 2024, 120(3), pp. 3067–3104
  3. Farmer-science-based soil degradation metrics guide prioritization of catchment-tailored control measures
    • Authors: Endale, T., Diels, J., Tsegaye, D., Belayneh, L., Verdoodt, A.
    • Journal: Environmental Development, 2023, 45, 100783
  4. Temporal and spatial variability of suspended sediment rating curves for rivers draining into the Ethiopian Rift Valley
    • Authors: Tilahun, A.K., Verstraeten, G., Chen, M., Belayneh, L., Endale, T.
    • Journal: Land Degradation and Development, 2023, 34(2), pp. 478–492
  5. Landslides and Gullies Interact as Sources of Lake Sediments in a Rifting Context: Insights from a Highly Degraded Mountain Environment
    • Authors: Belayneh, L., Dewitte, O., Gulie, G., Endale, T., Kervyn, M.
    • Journal: Geosciences (Switzerland), 2022, 12(7), 274

Sipho Ntonta | Crop Residues | Best Researcher Award

Mr Sipho Ntonta | Crop Residues | Best Researcher Award

PhD candidate at  University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Sipho Ntonta is a dynamic Ph.D. candidate specializing in Hydrology and Soil Sciences, with a profound interest in sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation. His expertise lies in enhancing water use efficiency through soil-plant interactions. With a background in Environmental Hydrology and Soil Science, Sipho has honed his skills through various academic pursuits, culminating in his pursuit of a Doctor of Philosophy degree.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

Ph.D. in Soil Sciences (In progress). Masters in Soil Science (2019 – 2022). Honours in Soil Science (2017 – 2018). BSc. in Environmental Hydrology and Soil Science (2013-2017). Introduction course to facilitation: Social learning and stakeholder engagement in natural resource management context (2020 – 2021)

💼 Work Experience:

Sipho’s professional journey includes roles as an Assistant Agricultural Practitioner and a Junior Researcher and Field Worker, where he demonstrated expertise in agricultural advice, research, and stakeholder engagement.

🔬 Skills and Competencies:

Proficient in research methodologies, data analysis, and various analytical tools, Sipho also possesses strong leadership, problem-solving, and computer skills. His affiliations with Green-Matter and Water demonstrate his commitment to environmental preservation and leadership development.

Sipho Ntonta embodies a blend of academic rigor, practical experience, and a profound commitment to sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation, making him a valuable asset in the field. 🌱🌍

🌱 Research Focus: Crop Residues

Sipho Ntonta is a dedicated researcher with a keen focus on crop residues. His work delves into understanding the dynamics of crop residues’ decomposition, with a particular emphasis on factors influencing variability in decomposition rates. Through his research, Sipho aims to contribute to the advancement of agricultural practices that optimize the utilization of crop residues, ultimately enhancing soil quality and sustainability in agriculture.

Sipho’s commitment to this research area is driven by his passion for sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. His efforts are geared towards uncovering insights that can inform strategies for improving soil health, water use efficiency, and overall agricultural productivity. With a strong academic background and practical experience, Sipho Ntonta is poised to make significant contributions to the field of agricultural science, particularly in the realm of crop residue management. 🌾🔬


Publications Top Notes:

  1. Variability in decomposition rate of sorghum cultivar residues linked to lignin content
    • Authors: Ntonta, S., Zengeni, R., Muchaonyerwa, P., Chaplot, V.
    • Journal: Rhizosphere
    • Year: 2024
  2. Crop residues differ in their decomposition dynamics: Review of available data from world literature
    • Authors: Ntonta, S., Mathew, I., Zengeni, R., Muchaonyerwa, P., Chaplot, V.
    • Journal: Geoderma
    • Year: 2022

Esra Billur Balcioglu ILhan | Pollution Assessment | Women Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr Esra Billur Balcioglu ILhan |  Pollution Assessment | Women Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr at  Istanbul University, Turkey

Esra Billur Balcıoğlu İlhan is an Assistant Professor at the Chemical Oceanography Department of the Institute of Marine Sciences, Istanbul University, Turkey. She holds a PhD in Marine Biology from Istanbul University, with her doctoral research focusing on the determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Mussels from various regions of the Marmara Sea. Prior to her PhD, she earned an MSc in Environmental Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering, both from Istanbul University and Ondokuz Mayıs University respectively.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

  • PhD in Marine Biology, Istanbul University
  • MSc in Environmental Engineering, Istanbul University
  • Bachelor’s in Environmental Engineering, Ondokuz Mayıs University

💼 Work Experience:

  • Assistant Professor, Chemical Oceanography Department, Istanbul University
  • Specialist, Marine Biology Department, Istanbul University

🏆 Awards:

  • 3rd Best Poster Presentation, XIV. Social Psychiatry Congress
  • 1st Best Oral Presentation, Turkish-Japan Marine Forum

💼 Experiences:

  • Extensive fieldwork including research voyages and pollution monitoring studies

💻 Skills:

  • Proficient in Microsoft Office and specialized software
  • Fluent in Turkish and English, basic knowledge of German


🔬 Research Focus:

Dr. Esra Billur Balcıoğlu İlhan’s research primarily focuses on 🌊 marine pollution and environmental contamination. Through her studies, she investigates the occurrence, distribution, and potential impacts of various pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pharmaceuticals, and potentially toxic elements, in aquatic ecosystems including the 🌊Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. She assesses the sources, seasonal variations, and ecological risks associated with these pollutants, aiming to contribute to the understanding and mitigation of environmental threats to 🐟marine life and human health. Her research endeavors align with her commitment to preserving and safeguarding 🌍marine environments for future generations.


Publications Top Notes

  • Risk assessment and pollution loads of potentially toxic elements in water of four rivers flowing into the Mediterranean Sea

Pathmalal Manage | Conservation Biology | Best Researcher Award

Prof Pathmalal Manage | Conservation Biology | Best Researcher Award

Vice Chancellor at  University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

Pathmalal Marakkale Manage is a distinguished academic and researcher in the field of Zoology, known for his expertise in microbial ecology, ecotoxicology, and water quality management. Born on February 6th, 1965, in Kandy, Sri Lanka, he obtained his B.Sc. Special Degree in Zoology with first-class honors from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, in 1992. His dissertation focused on the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of the Randenigala reservoir in Sri Lanka.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

📚 Education:

  • Ph.D. in Microbial Ecology and Ecotoxicology, Ehime University, Japan
  • M.Sc. in Life Environmental Science, Ehime University, Japan
  • B.Sc. Special Degree in Zoology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

🔬 Research Expertise:

  • Specializes in microbial ecology, cyanobacterial toxins, and environmental remediation.
  • Extensive experience in water quality management and algae research.

🏆 Awards and Recognition:

  • Fulbright Senior Research Fellowship, Fulbright Commission, USA
  • CVCD Excellence Award for Biological Sciences
  • Multiple Presidential Awards for International Publications
  • Innovate Sri Lanka Awards for environmental innovations

🎓 Academic Leadership:

  • Director, Centre for Water Quality and Algae Research
  • Faculty Representative and Co-chair, Research Council

🔬 Research Focus:

🔬 Pathmalal M. Manage’s research focuses on the ecological dynamics of aquatic ecosystems, particularly in understanding the interactions between microorganisms and their environment. His work encompasses the study of cyanobacteria, algicidal bacteria, cyanophages, and their impact on water quality and biodiversity. Through investigations into trophic linkages, seasonal variations, and microbial decomposition processes, he contributes to our understanding of ecosystem health and resilience. Pathmalal’s research sheds light on novel strategies for water quality management and the sustainable remediation of eutrophic environments, symbolizing a commitment to environmental stewardship and scientific innovation.


Pathmalal M. Manage has garnered significant academic recognition, with 2281 citations and an h-index of 25. Since 2019, his research has continued to make an impact, accumulating 1339 citations with an h-index of 20. This demonstrates a sustained influence in the scientific community, as indicated by the i10-index of 49 (overall) and 38 (since 2019). His work is widely cited, reflecting its relevance and significance in the field of aquatic ecology and environmental science.

David Tavi Agbor | Agroecology | Young Scientist Award

Mr David Tavi Agbor | Agroecology | Young Scientist Award

M.Sc graduate and adjunct lecturer at  Catholic University Institute Buea Cameroon

David Tavi Agbor is a Cameroonian soil scientist with a diverse academic background spanning multiple continents. He holds an M.Sc. in Soil Science from the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Program, complemented by degrees in Agronomy from the University of Buea, Cameroon. Throughout his academic journey, David has maintained an impressive GPA, reflecting his commitment to excellence.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

  • M.Sc. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in Soil Science (Turkey, Poland, Bulgaria, and Jordan)
  • M.Sc. Agronomy (Crop Production) – University of Buea, Cameroon
  • B.Sc. Agriculture (Agronomy) – University of Buea, Cameroon

🔬 Research Interests:

  • Plant-Soil interactions, Plant-Microbes interactions
  • Agroecology, Agronomy, Soil Science
  • Ecosystem modeling, remote sensing, and land use/land cover change
  • Forest Ecology and Sustainable Forest

💼 Professional Experience:

  • Adjunct Lecturer at Catholic University Institute Buea, Cameroon
  • Cofounder and Team Leader at Global Youth Connect for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Junior Soil Scientist Researcher at ekolive company, Slovakia
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Department of Agronomic and Applied Molecular Science

🏆 Awards & Grants:

  • Winner of various grants including EJP SOIL Access to Infrastructure Call, Stimulus Fund Grant, Erasmus+ Scholarship, and more
  • Recipient of academic excellence awards

🛠️ Skills:

  • Proficient in languages: English (Fluent), French (Elementary)
  • Experienced in GIS, remote sensing, data analysis, and soil analysis techniques

🔬 Research Focus:

David Tavi Agbor’s research focus primarily revolves around sustainable agricultural practices and crop production enhancement 🌾. He investigates various aspects including intercropping techniques for pest management and yield improvement, as evidenced by his work on maize-legume intercropping with botanical Piper. Additionally, his studies delve into the adaptability of crop cultivars, such as okra, and explore innovative methods like vegetative propagation of tomato hybrids. Agbor also contributes to understanding soil dynamics and land use changes through techniques like GIS and remote sensing. Overall, his research endeavors contribute significantly to sustainable farming practices and ecosystem management 🌱.

Publications Top Notes:

  1. Maize-legume Intercropping and Botanical Piper Mitigating Effect on Pest Populations while Enhancing the Yield of Maize Authors: Agbor, D.T., Eboh, K.S., Sama, D.K., Tanyi, G.T., Nkongho, R.N. Published in: Journal of Natural Pesticide Research, 2023, 6, 100060Abstract: This study explores the synergistic effects of maize-legume intercropping and the application of botanical Piper in mitigating pest populations while simultaneously enhancing maize yields.
  2. Vegetative Propagation of F1 Tomato Hybrid (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Using Different Rooting Media and Stem-nodal Cuttings Authors: Nkongho, R.N., Ndam, L.M., Akoneh, N.N., Ojongakpa, O.T., Ngone, A.M. Published in: Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 2023, 11, 100470Abstract: Investigates various methods of vegetative propagation for F1 tomato hybrid, assessing the efficacy of different rooting media and stem-nodal cuttings.
  3. Seed Production System and Adaptability of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Cultivars in Buea, Cameroon Authors: Nkongho, R.N., Efouba-Mbong, J.T., Ndam, L.M., Etchu-Takang, E.G., Agbor, D.T. Published in: PLoS ONE, 2022, 17(12 October), e0278771Abstract: Explores the seed production system and adaptability of various okra cultivars in the Buea region of Cameroon.

Sara Frazzini | livestock environments | Best Researcher Award

Dr Sara Frazzini | livestock environments | Best Researcher Award

PhD student at  University of Milan, Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Italy

Sara Frazzini is an Italian researcher specializing in animal nutrition and health. Born on September 7, 1995, in Rozzano, Italy, she has dedicated her career to optimizing feeding practices for farm animals to enhance nutritional efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Currently pursuing her Ph.D. in the Scientific Disciplinary Area AGR18 at the University of Milan, her research focuses on developing nutritional strategies to support animal defense systems and mitigate the presence of harmful substances in livestock environments.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

Education and Training:

  • 09/11/2020 – 31/01/2021: Graduate Volunteer Attendant
    University of Milan, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology
    Studied the immune system in animal species of veterinary interest under the guidance of Prof. Riva.
  • 12/12/2018 – 12/09/2019: Student Trainee
    Humanitas Research Hospital and University
    Conducted research activities at the Laboratory of Experimental Immunology under Prof. Garlanda’s supervision, focusing on cell culture techniques, neutrophil purification, qPCR methods, and cytotoxicity assays.
  • 10/02/2017 – 10/03/2017: Student Trainee
    Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna (IZSLER) – Lodi
    Engaged in various research activities across Institute Laboratories, including Food Serology and Microbiology and General Diagnostics.
  • 03/11/2022 – 22/12/2022: Postgraduate Course
    University of Milan
    Completed specific training for personnel involved in animal experiments for scientific purposes, with a focus on large animals.
  • 21/02/2022 – 25/02/2022: Introductory Course in Animal Experimentation
    University of Milan
    Participated in basic theory modules and species-specific theory modules covering various animal categories.
  • 13/04/2022 & 27/04/2022: Practical Course Modules
    University of Milan
    Completed practical modules focusing on appropriate basic species-specific biology for Zebrafish and Mus Musculus.
  • 23/03/2022 – 20/05/2022: Advanced Training Course
    Online Webinars
    Participated in an advanced training course focusing on the decarbonization process, organized by Siena International School on Sustainable Development.
  • 20/09/2021 – 24/09/2021: Postgraduate Course in Latest Generation Cytofluorimetry
    University of Milan
    Attended a theoretical-practical course covering analytical methodologies in the biomedical field.

🎓 Academic Degrees:

  • 10/2017 – 10/2019: Master’s Degree in Veterinary Biotechnological Sciences
    University of Milan, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Via dell’Università 6 Lodi, Italy
  • 10/2014 – 10/2017: Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Production Sciences
    University of Milan, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Via dell’Universtà 6 Lodi, Italy

👩‍🔬 Research Focus:

Sara Frazzini’s research focus primarily revolves around the exploration of natural products and their potential applications in various fields such as animal nutrition, agriculture, and biomedicine. 🌿 Her work spans diverse topics including the investigation of prebiotic potential in seaweed extracts, functional characterization of bioactive compounds from hemp seeds, evaluation of dietary supplements for livestock health, and repurposing agricultural waste for sustainable practices. 🐄🌱 Through her studies, she aims to contribute to the development of innovative solutions for animal welfare, human health, and environmental sustainability. 🌍


Sara Frazzini has accumulated 50 citations from 45 documents, with an h-index of 10. This indicates that her research has been cited at least 10 times in 10 different documents, reflecting a significant impact within her field.


Publications Top Notes:


Mrs Fadoua Karouach | organic waste | Women Researcher Award

Mrs Fadoua Karouach | organic waste | Women Researcher Award

Scientist at  Mohammed 6 Polytechnic University, Morocco

Dr. Fadoua Karouach is a highly qualified scientist with a diverse background in environmental sciences and renewable energy. She holds a Ph.D. in Physics and Applications-Science and Techniques from Ibn Tofail University, Morocco, with a focus on anaerobic digestion of organic waste. Her research, conducted in collaboration with Cordoba University in Spain, received high honors and was funded by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

📚 Education:

  • 🎓 Ph.D. in Physics and Applications, Ibn Tofail University, Morocco (2014)
    • Thesis: “Anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of household waste: Effects of hydrothermal and ultrasonic pretreatment on the process.”
  • 🎓 Master’s in Hydrogeology, Ibn Tofail University, Morocco (2008)
    • Specialization: Hydroinformatics
  • 🎓 Bachelor’s in Geology, Ibn Tofail University, Morocco (2006)

💼 Professional Experience:

  • 👩‍🔬 Scientist at the African Institute for Sustainable Agriculture Research (ASARI), Mohamed VI Polytechnic University, Laâyoune (Oct 2023 – Present)
  • 🌍 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Agro-Bioprocess Laboratory, Mohamed VI Polytechnic University (2020-2022)
  • 🌱 In charge of Environmental Impact Studies at Sigmatred SARL, Rabat (2020)
  • 🔬 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Renewable Energies and Environment Laboratory, Ibn Tofail University (2018-2019)
  • 🌐 Collaborated in various international research projects and workshops

👩‍🏫 Teaching and Supervision:

  • 📚 Part-time professor in various courses related to bioenergy, water treatment, and waste management
  • 👥 Co-supervised several national PhD theses and postgraduate academic degrees

👩‍🔬 Research Focus:

👩‍🔬 Dr. Fadoua Karouach is a multidisciplinary researcher with a primary focus on sustainable bioenergy and environmental management. Her extensive work includes the valorization of water hyacinth through anaerobic digestion for biomethane and biofertilizer production, as well as comprehensive reviews on superabsorbent polymers and the chemical composition of Eichhornia crassipes. With expertise in anaerobic digestion technology, her research contributes to renewable energy solutions and waste utilization. Dr. Karouach’s dedication to exploring diverse topics, from methane production in palm tree biomass to controlling water hyacinth proliferation, showcases her commitment to addressing crucial environmental challenges. 🌱🔬🌍 #Bioenergy #EnvironmentalScience #Sustainabl



📚 Dr. Fadoua Karouach’s impactful contributions to research are evident through her citation metrics:

🔍 Quoted by:

  • All Time: 621
  • Since 2019: 577

📊 h index:

  • All Time: 16
  • Since 2019: 16

🔢 i10 index:

  • All Time: 20
  • Since 2019: 20

These metrics reflect her consistent influence and scholarly impact, showcasing the enduring significance of her work in the academic community. 🌐📖 #ResearchImpact #Citations #ScholarlyAchievement

Publications Top Notes:

Md. Tariqul Islam | Agroforestrys | Young Scientist Award

Md. Tariqul  Islam | Agroforestrys | Young Scientist Award

Lecturer at  Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh

Md. Tariqul Islam is a dedicated Lecturer specializing in Agriculture at the Haor and Char Development Institute within Bangladesh Agricultural University, located in Mymensingh-2202. Born on December 8, 1994, he is an accomplished professional committed to the field of Agroforestry.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

Educational Qualifications:

  • 🎓 Master of Science (M.S.) in Agroforestry from Bangladesh Agricultural University (2020) with a perfect CGPA of 4.00.
  • 🎓 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Hons.) from Bangladesh Agricultural University (2018) with an impressive CGPA of 3.886.

Master’s Thesis Title:

  • 📝 Effect of Agroforestry and Social Forestry on vegetation composition and soil nutrient status in deforested land of the Madhupur Sal forest of Bangladesh.

Major Findings:

  • 🌳 Agroforestry enhances soil nutrient status.
  • 🌿 Social Forestry improves vegetation parameters in the deforested land of Madhupur Sal forest in Bangladesh.

Md. Tariqul Islam’s commitment to sustainable practices in agriculture and forestry is evident through his academic achievements and research contributions. His passion for environmental conservation shines through his work in improving both soil health and vegetation in critical ecosystems. Connect with him to delve into the world of agroforestry and sustainable agriculture.

👩‍🔬 Research Focus:

Md. Tariqul Islam’s research endeavors span diverse agricultural and environmental domains, contributing significantly to sustainable practices. His primary focus lies in agroforestry systems, particularly exploring the transformative potential of Choi Jhal (Piper chaba)-Based Agroforestry for enhancing farmers’ livelihoods in Northern Bangladesh. Additionally, his work delves into the impact of reforestation approaches on plant communities and soil properties in the Madhupur Sal forest. Tackling issues such as drought tolerance in rice cultivars, economic assessments of agroforestry systems, and the effects of human disturbances on forest ecosystems, his research portfolio underscores a commitment to addressing critical agricultural and environmental challenges for a resilient and thriving future.


  • Citations:
    • All Time: 18
    • Since 2019: 18
  • h-index: 3
  • i10-index: 0

These metrics signify the influence and reach of his research, with a notable number of citations since 2019. The h-index of 3 indicates that at least 3 of his publications have received 3 or more citations, underlining the significance of his work in the academic community. As his research continues to unfold, these metrics are likely to evolve, further attesting to the impact of his contributions in the field.

Publications Top Notes: