Michiel Daam | Agroecology | Best Researcher Award

Dr Michiel Daam |  Agroecology | Best Researcher Award

Invited Professor at  Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Brazil

Michiel Adriaan Daam is a Dutch environmental scientist and Assistant Professor at the NOVA University Lisbon’s Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering. Born on February 3, 1976, he holds a Ph.D. in Biology from Wageningen Environmental Research, with specializations in Biology and Toxicology.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

📚 Education:

  • PhD: Biology, Wageningen Environmental Research (2008)
  • MSc: Environmental Sciences, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2001)
  • MSc: Biomedical Health Sciences, University of Nijmegen (2001)

📝 Research Projects (Selected):

  • Ongoing projects funded by FAPESP on microplastics and pesticide impacts.
  • Invited expert for UN Environment Program report on pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Involved in projects assessing environmental effects of pesticide use in Brazil and Europe.

Employers & Experience:

  • Worked at NOVA University Lisbon, University of Aveiro (Portugal), Chemical Regulation Directorate (UK), University of Lisbon, and more.
  • Background includes roles as a postdoctoral researcher, research scientist, and regulatory ecotoxicologist.


Research Focus 📝:

  • Expertise in ecological risk assessment of contaminants like pesticides, metals, and emerging concerns.
  • Current projects on microplastics and pesticides in agricultural contexts.
  • Research topics include biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, chemical stress ecology, and ecological effect modeling.


  • Citations: 1,720
  • Documents: 1,217
  • h-index: 24

The h-index is a measure that considers both the number of publications and their respective citation counts. In this case, an h-index of 24 suggests that Michiel Adriaan Daam has published 24 papers, each of which has been cited at least 24 times. This metric provides a balanced view of both the quantity and impact of a researcher’s work.


Publications Top Notes:
  1. Residual determination and acute toxicity of the neonicotinoid clothianidin in the neotropical stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula Latreille, 1811 (Apidae: Meliponini)
    • Authors: Biscassi, G.F., Rabêlo, W.F., Sardeli, R., …, Moscardi dos Santos, D., Vieira, E.M.
    • Published in: Chemosphere, 2024, 349, 140878
  2. Ecological risk assessment for metals in sediment and waters from the Brazilian Amazon region
    • Authors: Gomes, D.F., da Silva Pinto, T.J., Raymundo, L.B., …, Moreira, R.A., Rocha, O.
    • Published in: Chemosphere, 2023, 345, 140413
  3. Drinking water treatment residuals, a low-cost and environmentally friendly adsorbent for the removal of hormones – A review
    • Authors: Dias, R., Daam, M.A., Diniz, M., Maurício, R.
    • Published in: Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2023, 56, 104322
  4. Abamectin and difenoconazole monitoring in strawberry flowers and pollen sampled from Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) hives located in crop vicinities
    • Authors: Burgarelli, J.A.M., dos Santos, D.M., Prado, F.S.R., …, Daam, M.A., Vieira, E.M.
    • Published in: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(24), pp. 65401–65411
  5. Toward a tiered regulatory framework for the prospective aquatic effect assessment of pesticides in (Neo)tropical areas
    • Author: Daam, M.A.
    • Published in: Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 2023, 19(3), pp. 638–647
    • Citations: 3