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Prof You-hua Chen | Food Economics | Member

Director at  South China Agricultural University, China

Professor You-hua Chen is a distinguished scholar in the field of food economic management and agricultural economic policy, affiliated with the College of Economics and Management at South China Agricultural University. In 2019, he achieved recognition as one of the Top 100 scholars globally in agricultural economic policy, securing the 17th position. Prof. Chen is a Young the Pearl River Scholar of Guangdong Province and has earned acclaim as the recipient of the excellent doctoral thesis award in Guangdong Province.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🏆 Achievements:

  • Top 100 scholars in global agricultural economic policy (2019, ranked 17th)
  • Young the Pearl River Scholar of Guangdong Province
  • Winner of the excellent doctoral thesis of Guangdong Province
  • Professor at the School of Economics and Management, South China Agricultural University

🏅 Awards:

  • 5 provincial-level awards, including the Guangdong Province Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award and the Guangdong Province Philosophy and Social Sciences Excellent Achievement Award
  • 2 provincial and ministerial level leadership awards

🔄 Projects:

  • Led nearly 11 national and provincial-level projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Guangdong Provincial Social Science Foundation
  • Core participant in various national natural science and social science projects

Research Focus:

🌾 Prof. You-hua Chen’s research encompasses diverse aspects of agricultural and environmental economics. His work investigates the impact of agricultural credit subsidies on county-level carbon intensity in China, exploring the dynamics of fiscal expenditures on agricultural carbon intensity. In addition, he delves into the realm of sustainable energy systems with policies in China, contributing to the editorial board of “Frontiers in Energy Research.” Furthermore, Prof. Chen examines the effects of governmental intervention on foodborne disease events and investigates the compatibility of CO2 emission reduction and economic growth in China. His multifaceted research aligns with sustainable development goals, intertwining agriculture, environment, and policy. 🌱🌏



The provided information seems to be related to an individual’s academic metrics, likely a researcher or scholar. Let’s break down the key metrics:

  • Citations: The individual has received 800 citations from 537 documents. This reflects the impact and recognition of their work within the academic community.
  • Documents: They have authored or contributed to 42 documents. This could include research papers, articles, or other scholarly publications.
  • h-index: The h-index is a measure of both the productivity and impact of a researcher. The provided information mentions an h-index of 16. This means that the researcher has 16 papers that have each been cited at least 16 times.

These metrics collectively highlight the individual’s influence and contribution to their field of study.


Publications Top Notes:
  1. Title: A flexible and efficient hybrid agricultural subsidy design for promoting food security and safetyAuthors: Chen, Y.-H., Zhang, Z., Mishra, A.K.

    Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2023, 10(1), 372

    Citations: 2

    Abstract: This article presents a hybrid agricultural subsidy design aimed at enhancing food security and safety. The flexible and efficient approach is crucial in addressing contemporary agricultural challenges.

  2. Title: Does carbon trading mechanism improve the efficiency of green innovation? Evidence from ChinaAuthors: Bai, Y.-X., Wang, C., Zeng, M., Wen, H.-X., Nie, P.-Y.

    Journal: Energy Strategy Reviews, 2023, 49, 101170

    Citations: 1

    Abstract: Investigating the impact of carbon trading mechanisms on green innovation efficiency in China, this study provides valuable insights into sustainable practices.

  3. Title: Economic Growth, Income Inequality and Food Safety RiskAuthors: Chen, Y.-Q., Chen, Y.-H.

    Journal: Foods, 2023, 12(16), 3066

    Citations: 1

    Abstract: Examining the complex interplay between economic growth, income inequality, and food safety risk, this article sheds light on the intricate dynamics of these factors.

  4. Title: Can agricultural credit subsidies affect county-level carbon intensity in China?Authors: Zhang, Z., Tian, Y., Chen, Y.-H.

    Journal: Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2023, 38, pp. 80–89

    Citations: 3

    Abstract: Exploring the impact of agricultural credit subsidies on carbon intensity at the county level in China, this research contributes to sustainable agricultural practices.

  5. Title: New insights into the link between pro-environmental attitudes and household food waste behaviors in China: Moderating effect of shopping distanceAuthors: Wen, H.-X., Wu, X.-Q., Cui, T., Yang, Z.-N., Chen, Y.-H.

    Journal: Waste Management and Research, 2023 (Article in Press)

    Citations: 0

    Abstract: Providing fresh perspectives, this upcoming article delves into the connection between pro-environmental attitudes and household food waste behaviors, highlighting the moderating effect of shopping distance in China.



You-hua Chen | Food Economics | Member

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