Mst. Sarmina Yeasmin | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr Mst. Sarmina  Yeasmin | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Principal Scientific Officer at  Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Bangladesh

Dr. Sarmina Yeasmin, a prominent figure in scientific research, serves as the Principal Scientific Officer at the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) in Rajshahi. With a Ph.D. in Environmental Science from the University of Rajshahi, she specializes in converting agricultural waste into value-added products. Her academic journey includes an impressive track record, including a First Class M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry & Chemical Technology and a B.Sc. (Honours) from the same institution.


Academic Background:

Ph.D. in Environmental Science, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh (2016). M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry & Chemical Technology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh (2005). B.Sc. (Honours) in Applied Chemistry & Chemical Technology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh (2003)

Professional Experiences:

Principal Scientific Officer, BCSIR, Rajshahi (2019 – Present). Senior Scientific Officer, BCSIR, Rajshahi (2011 – 2019). Scientific Officer, BCSIR, Rajshahi (2006 – 2011). Part-time Lecturer, Department of Materials Science and Technology, University of Rajshahi (2008 – 2009)

Training & Expertise:

Proficient in operating and maintaining various scientific instruments. Trained in Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIRO), Melbourne, Australia. Specialized in analysis of polymeric products and extraction/purification of oils and plants

Research Focus: Environmental Science

Dr. Mst. Sarmina Yeasmin’s research in environmental science primarily centers around sustainable utilization of agro residue as waste, particularly in the context of food production. Her work includes investigating innovative methods to convert agricultural waste, such as corn waste, into value-added products. Through her expertise in polymer science, materials science, and oils and fats research, Dr. Yeasmin aims to contribute to environmental sustainability by developing strategies for reducing waste and maximizing resource efficiency in food and agricultural industries.


Since 2019, Dr. Mst. Sarmina Yeasmin has been cited 630 times, with an h-index of 12 and an i10-index of 14. Overall, her work has garnered a total of 973 citations. These metrics indicate a significant impact in her field, reflecting the recognition and influence of her research contributions within the academic community.

Publications Top Notes 📰

  1. “Preparation of food grade carboxymethyl cellulose from corn husk agrowaste”
    • Authors: MIH Mondal, MS Yeasmin, MS Rahman
    • Published in: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015
    • Citations: 217
  2. “Synthesis of highly substituted carboxymethyl cellulose depending on cellulose particle size”
    • Authors: MS Yeasmin, MIH Mondal
    • Published in: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015
    • Citations: 138
  3. “Characteristics of oils and nutrient contents of Nigella sativa Linn. and Trigonella foenum-graecum seeds”
    • Authors: MA Ali, MA Sayeed, MS Alam, MS Yeasmin, AM Khan, II Muhamad
    • Published in: Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 2012
    • Citations: 98
  4. “Antimicrobial screening of different extracts of Piper longum Linn”
    • Authors: MA Ali, NM Alam, MS Yeasmin, AM Khan, MA Sayeed, VB Rao
    • Published in: Research Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 2007
    • Citations: 85
  5. “Antimicrobial screening of Cassia fistula and Mesua ferrea”
    • Authors: MA Ali, MA Sayeed, MSA Bhuiyan, FI Sohel, MS Yeasmin
    • Published in: Journal of Medical Sciences, 2004
    • Citations: 67
  6. “Characteristics of seed oils and nutritional compositions of seeds from different varieties of Momordica charantia Linn. cultivated in Bangladesh”
    • Authors: MA Ali, MA Sayeed, MS Reza, MS Yeasmin, AM Khan
    • Published in: Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 2008
    • Citations: 64


Raul Jacobo Delgado Macuil | Determination of diseases in plants | Excellence in Research

Prof Dr. Raul Jacobo Delgado Macuil | Determination of diseases in plants | Excellence in Research

Professor, IPN Applied Biotechnology Research Center, Mexico

Prof. Dr. Raul Jacobo Delgado Macuil, renowned for his expertise in determining plant diseases, stands as a beacon of excellence in research at the IPN Applied Biotechnology Research Center in Mexico. 🌱 His pioneering work delves deep into understanding and diagnosing afflictions that threaten agricultural yields and ecosystem health. With a commitment to advancing biotechnology solutions, Prof. Delgado Macuil’s contributions have propelled the field forward, offering sustainable strategies to combat plant diseases. Through his leadership and dedication, he continues to inspire students and fellow researchers alike, driving innovation and fostering resilience in agricultural systems. 🌿


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Education Details 🎓

Dr. Raul Jacobo Delgado Macuil holds a Master of Science degree and a Doctorate in Science from the Benemerita Autonomous University of Puebla (BUAP). He completed his doctoral studies at the National Institute of Optical and Electronic Astrophysics (INAOE), specializing in nanobiotechnology with a focus on biosensors and optogenetics.

Experience or Employment Details 💼

Dr. Delgado Macuil has a rich academic career, serving as a Professor Researcher C at the National Polytechnic Institute. He has also held positions as Subacademic Director of Research and Academic Researcher at both BUAP and the National Polytechnic Institute. His experience includes supervising master’s theses, generating research projects, and contributing to scholarly publications.

Research Interests 🧬

Dr. Delgado Macuil’s research interests lie in the intersection of nanotechnology and biotechnology, particularly in the development of biosensors and optogenetics. He is passionate about exploring innovative ways to apply these technologies in fields such as food engineering, environmental science, and healthcare, aiming to contribute to advancements in detection, diagnosis, and treatment modalities.

Awards 🏅

Dr. Delgado Macuil has been recognized for his contributions to research with awards and honors, acknowledging his excellence in academia and scientific innovation. These accolades reflect his commitment to advancing knowledge and making significant contributions to his field.

Publications Top Notes

“Evaluation of Microbiological and Toxicological Quality (Heavy Metals) in Fresh Artisan Cheese Marketed in Puebla City, Mexico” – 2019

“Porous Silicon Decorated with Gold Nanoparticles for Detection of Histamine” – 2020

“Texture, Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Artisanal Adobera Cheese from Los Altos de Jalisco, a Genuine Mexican Cheese” – 2020

“Experimental Characterization of a Biosensor Based on a Tapered Optical Fiber for Kisspeptin Detection” – 2017

“Morphological, Molecular and FTIR Spectroscopic Analysis During the Differentiation of Kidney Cells from Pluripotent Stem Cells” – 2018

Mureed Husain | pest management products | Best Researcher Award

Dr Mureed Husain | Pest Management Products | Best Researcher Award

Researcher at  King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mureed Husain is a Pakistani national with expertise in Agriculture Entomology and Biotechnology. He holds a PhD in Entomology from King Saud University, where he conducted research on molecular characterization and RNAi knockdown of vitellogenin and its receptor genes in the almond moth, Cadra cautella.


Academic Qualifications:

🎓 PhD: Entomology, King Saud University, 2018 (CGPA: 4.73/5). 🎓 M.Sc: Entomology, King Saud University, 2013 (CGPA: 4.68/5). 🎓 B.Sc: Arid Agriculture University, Agriculture Entomology, 2005 (CGPA: 3.45/4)

Notable Contributions:

📝 Successfully employed Vg-based RNAi biotechnology for managing pests like Red Palm Weevil and Almond Moth. 🌿 Led projects funded by prestigious institutions like King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) and Deanship of Scientific Research, King Saud University. 📚 Contributed to numerous research papers focusing on environmentally friendly pest management strategies.

Research Focus: Pest Management Products

Dr. Mureed Husain specializes in developing innovative pest management products with a focus on sustainable agriculture. His research aims to address the challenges posed by pests in agricultural settings while minimizing environmental impact. His notable contributions include:

  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Dr. Husain explores integrated approaches to pest management, combining biological, cultural, and chemical methods for effective control.
  • Entomopathogenic Agents: He investigates the use of entomopathogenic fungi such as Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae, along with entomopathogenic nematodes, as biocontrol agents against a variety of pests.
  • RNAi Biotechnology: Dr. Husain has successfully utilized RNA interference (RNAi) technology to target vital genes in pest insects, offering a novel approach to pest control with reduced environmental impact.
  • Environmentally Friendly Formulations: His research emphasizes the development of environmentally friendly formulations for pest management products, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices.


Publications Top Notes 📰

  1. “Effects of temperature on the development of Ephestia cautella (Walker)(Pyralidae: Lepidoptera): a case study for its possible control under storage conditions” – Published in the Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 2013.
  2. “Effectiveness of carbon dioxide against different developmental stages of Cadra cautella and Tribolium castaneum” – Published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017.
  3. “Comparative Efficacy of CO2 and Ozone Gases Against Ephestia cautella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Larvae Under Different Temperature Regimes” – Published in the Journal of Insect Science, 2015.
  4. “Changes in the nutritional composition of maize flour due to Tribolium castaneum infestation and application of carbon dioxide to manage this pest” – Published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018.
  5. “Biological Traits of Cadra cautella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Reared on Khodari Date Fruits Under Different Temperature Regimes” – Published in the Journal of Economic Entomology, 2017.
  6. “Role of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) foraging activities in increased fruit setting and production of apples (Malus domestica)” – Published in the Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 2017.


Faezeh Shekari | Drug delivery | Women Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Faezeh Shekari | Drug delivery | Women Researcher Award

Assistant professor, Royan institute, Canada

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Dr. Faezeh Shekari on receiving the prestigious Women Researcher Award for her groundbreaking work in utilizing milk-derived nanoparticles for drug delivery. 🎉 Dr. Shekari’s research at the Royan Institute in Canada offers promising advancements in the field of pharmaceuticals, enhancing drug efficacy and targeting specific cells or tissues. With her innovative approach, she brings together the realms of biotechnology and healthcare, paving the way for more effective and precise drug delivery systems. Dr. Shekari’s dedication to scientific excellence and her contributions to advancing women in research make her a true inspiration in the scientific community.


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Education 🎓

Faezeh Shekari holds a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Science and Culture and Royan Institute, Tehran. She also earned an M.Sc. in Cellular and Molecular Biology and a B.Sc. in the same field from the University of Tehran.

Experience 💼

As the Founder and CEO of Celer Diagnostics startup in Canada, Faezeh Shekari leads strategic planning and scientific innovation. Previously, she founded Firoozeh DiaTech in Iran and served as the Chair of the ISEV Rigor & Standardization Task Force, contributing significantly to global standards in extracellular vesicle research.

Research Interests 🧬

Faezeh Shekari’s research interests lie in the therapeutic potential of extracellular vesicles, with a focus on stem cell-derived vesicles and their applications in regenerative medicine and drug delivery. She is also passionate about advancing biobanking protocols and studying EV subpopulations for various biomedical applications.

Awards 🏆

Faezeh Shekari has received recognition for her contributions to the field, including the Outstanding Researcher Award from the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and the Excellence in Biotechnology Award from the Iranian Proteomics Society.

Publications Top Notes📚

“Mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles: considerations and therapeutic applications” – 2024

“Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches” – 2024

“Treatment of milk with various chemicals differentially affects the physiochemical and functional characteristics of extracellular vesicles” – 2024

“Milk-Derived Extracellular Vesicles: Biomedical Applications, Current Challenges, and Future Perspectives” – 2024

“Sirolimus-loaded exosomes as a promising vascular delivery system for the prevention of post-angioplasty restenosis” – 2024

Agerie Mengistie | Maternal | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Agerie Mengistie | Maternal | Best Researcher Award

Agerie Mengistie,College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Gondar,Ethiopia

Agerie Mengistie, a beacon of excellence in maternal health research, has been honored with the prestigious Best Researcher Award. Hailing from the esteemed College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia, Mengistie’s contributions have significantly advanced our understanding and approach to maternal care. His dedication and pioneering work in this field exemplify unwavering commitment to improving healthcare outcomes for mothers and infants alike. 🌟👨‍🔬 Such recognition not only celebrates his achievements but also underscores the vital importance of ongoing research in ensuring the well-being of generations to come.



Education 📚

Agerie M Zeleke holds a Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (BSc) from the University of Gondar, Ethiopia (2009-2012), and a Masters in Clinical Midwifery (MSc) from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia (2014-2016). 🎓

Experience 💼

Since May 2016, Agerie has served as a Lecturer and Researcher in Clinical Midwifery at the University College of Tedda Health Sciences, Gondar, Ethiopia. She also holds the role of Research Ethics Board Committee and Continuous Professional Development Director. Previously, from April 2012 to September 2014, she worked as a Clinical Midwife Expert at the University of Gondar Specialized Hospital. 👩‍⚕️

Research Interests 🔍

Agerie’s research interests revolve around maternal and child health, with a focus on topics such as maternal satisfaction, hygiene practices, and healthcare service utilization. She is particularly interested in conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses to inform evidence-based practice in midwifery and public health. 🤰

Awards 🏆

Agerie Mengistie Z has been recognized for her contributions to midwifery and public health with awards such as the Induced Abortion Service Grant from the Ethiopian Midwifery Association in 2018. 🌟

Publications Top Notes 📰

“Hygienic practices and factors of complementary food preparation among mothers of children aged 6–24 months in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis” (2024)

“Poor treatment outcome and associated factors of hyperglycemic emergencies among diabetic patients in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis” (2024)

“Prevalence and associated factors of herbal medicine use among patients living with chronic disease in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis” (2024)

“Maternal Satisfaction towards Childhood Vaccine Services and Associated Factors in Public Health Facilities at Gondar, Ethiopia” (2024)

“Prevalence of self-medication at the national level and its association among pregnant women in Ethiopia: Systematic review and meta-analysis” (2023)

Mohammad Moghaddam | Plant Chemistry | Best Researcher Award

Dr Mohammad Moghaddam | Plant Chemistry | Best Researcher Award

associate Professor at  Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

Dr. Mohammad Moghaddam is a renowned expert in the fields of essential oils, plant chemistry, and medicinal plants. With a prolific research background spanning several decades, Dr. Moghaddam has made significant contributions to the understanding of essential oil chemistry, plant cultivation techniques, and the therapeutic potential of various botanicals.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

📚 Education:

Dr. Moghaddam holds a Ph.D. in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology.

🌱 Contributions to Science:

He has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of plant genetics, biochemistry, and cultivation practices. His research has practical implications for agriculture, herbal medicine, and pharmaceutical industries.

🎓 Academic Affiliation:

Currently affiliated with [University Name], Dr. Moghaddam continues to inspire and mentor students, shaping the next generation of researchers in the field of medicinal plants and essential oils.

🏅 Recognition:

Dr. Moghaddam’s contributions have been widely recognized, earning him accolades from the scientific community and beyond. He is admired for his dedication to advancing knowledge in the field of botanical sciences.

🌱 Research Focus: Plant Chemistry

Dr. Mohammad Moghaddam specializes in the intricate realm of plant chemistry, with a keen focus on unraveling the complexities of essential oils and bioactive compounds derived from medicinal plants. His research delves deep into understanding the chemical composition of these natural products, exploring the diverse array of molecules that contribute to their therapeutic properties.


  • Citations: Dr. Moghaddam’s work has accumulated a total of 2,189 citations.
  • h-index: His h-index stands at 26, indicating that he has published 26 papers that have each received at least 26 citations.
  • i10-index: With an i10-index of 52, Dr. Moghaddam has authored papers that have received at least 52 citations each.

Since 2019:

  • Citations: Dr. Moghaddam’s research has been cited 1,861 times.
  • h-index: His h-index since 2019 is 24.
  • i10-index: The i10-index for this period is 50, suggesting that he has published at least 50 papers that have garnered at least 10 citations each.


Publications Top Notes:

  1. “Chemistry of essential oils and factors influencing their constituents”
    Authors: M. Moghaddam, L. Mehdizadeh
    Published in: Soft Chemistry and Food Fermentation
    Year: 2017
    Citations: 247
  2. “Variation in essential oil composition and antioxidant activity of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) fruits during stages of maturity”
    Authors: M. Moghaddam, SNK Miran, AG Pirbalouti, L Mehdizadeh, Y Ghaderi
    Published in: Industrial Crops and Products
    Year: 2015
    Citations: 135
  3. “Composition and Antifungal Activity of Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Essential Oil from Iran”
    Authors: M. Moghaddam, M Pourbaige, HK Tabar, N Farhadi, SMA Hosseini
    Published in: Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants
    Year: 2013
    Citations: 133
  4. “Changes in essential oil compositions, total phenol, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity of Achillea millefolium at different growth stages”
    Authors: N Farhadi, K Babaei, S Farsaraei, M Moghaddam, AG Pirbalouti
    Published in: Industrial Crops and Products
    Year: 2020
    Citations: 90
  5. “Influence of environmental and genetic factors on resin yield, essential oil content and chemical composition of Ferula assa-foetida L. populations”
    Authors: M. Moghaddam, N Farhadi
    Published in: Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
    Year: 2015
    Citations: 75
  6. “Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oil of Ocimum ciliatum, as a new source of methyl chavicol, against ten phytopathogens”
    Authors: M. Moghaddam, MR Alymanesh, L Mehdizadeh, H Mirzaei, AG Pirbalouti
    Published in: Industrial Crops and Products
    Year: 2014
    Citations: 69

PANDIYAN MUTHAIYAN | Plant Breeding | Global Food Systems Innovator Award

Prof Dr. PANDIYAN MUTHAIYAN | Plant Breeding | Global Food Systems Innovator Award


Prof. Dr. Pandiyan Muthaiyan, a distinguished figure in plant breeding, has been honored with the Global Food Systems Innovator Award. As the former Dean and Professor of Plant Breeding at Dr. MSS Agriculture College and Research Institute under Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India, Dr. Muthaiyan has made profound contributions to agricultural science. His expertise and dedication have significantly advanced global food systems, ensuring sustainable agricultural practices 🌱. Dr. Muthaiyan’s leadership and innovative approaches have left an indelible mark on the field, inspiring future generations of agricultural professionals.


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Educational Background 📚

Dr. M. Pandiyan pursued his academic journey in the field of Plant Breeding and Genetics, attaining an MSc(Agri.) and later a Ph.D. His dedication to education has been pivotal in shaping his illustrious career.

Experience and Employment 💼

With over 29 years of research, 10 years of teaching, 29 years of extension work, and 9 years in administrative roles, Dr. M. Pandiyan has exhibited unparalleled dedication and expertise in his field.

Research Interests 🔬

Dr. M. Pandiyan’s research interests primarily revolve around Plant Breeding and Genetics. His work focuses on enhancing crop varieties for improved nutritional value and resilience to environmental challenges.

Awards and Recognitions 🏆

With a total of 26 awards, including international, national, and state accolades, Dr. M. Pandiyan’s contributions to agricultural research have been widely celebrated and recognized.

Publications Top Notes 📝

“Advancements in Plant Breeding Techniques” (2021) 🌱

“Genetic Diversity in Legume Crops” (2019) 🌱

“Enhancing Crop Nutritional Value: A Breeder’s Perspective” (2018) 🌱

“Innovations in Pulses Research” (2017) 🌱

“Sustainable Agriculture Practices for Food Security” (2016) 🌱

Luis Esteban Orozco | Agricultural Policies | Best Researcher Award

Mr Luis Esteban Orozco  |  Agricultural Policies | Best Researcher Award

Economist at  Instituto de Evaluación Tecnológica en Salud – IETS, Colombia

Luis Esteban Orozco Ramírez is an Economist with a Master’s degree in Economics from Universidad EAFIT. With over 9 years of experience, primarily in health economics, he possesses expertise in data analysis, project coordination, research, and leadership. Currently serving as the Coordinator of the Health Economics Unit at the Instituto de Evaluación en Tecnologías en Salud (IETS), his responsibilities include overseeing economic evaluations and budget impact analysis.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

Master’s in Economics, Universidad EAFIT, 2016-2017. Bachelor’s in Economics, Universidad de Antioquia, 2008-2014. Diploma in Economic Evaluation, Universidad de Antioquia, 2013

💼 Work Experience:

Coordinator of Health Economics Unit at Instituto de Evaluación en Tecnologías en Salud (IETS). Senior Health Economist at IETS. Technical Advisor at Universidad Autónoma de Manizales. Data Analyst at EPS y Medicina Prepagada Sura. Investigator at Universidad de Antioquia and IPS Universitaria. Consultant at Integralis Health Global Solutions (HGS)

📚 Academic Experience:

Instructor at Universidad CES, Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad del Bosque, Fundación Universidad del Norte, and Facultad de Administración, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

💡 Skills:

Proficient in Spanish and English (B2). Experienced in Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace, Stata, R, TreeAge, SQL Server

🌱 Research Focus: Agricultural Policies

Luis Esteban Orozco Ramírez, an Economist with a Master’s degree in Economy, brings his expertise to the realm of Agricultural Policies research. While his background primarily lies in health economics, Luis has embarked on a journey to explore and contribute to the field of agricultural economics, particularly focusing on policy analysis and formulation. With over 9 years of professional experience, Luis possesses a robust skill set in data collection and analysis, leadership, project coordination, and research methodology. His previous roles, including Coordinator of Health Economics Unit and Senior Health Economist, have equipped him with a strong foundation in economic evaluation methodologies and interdisciplinary collaboration. In his transition to agricultural economics, Luis aims to leverage his knowledge and experience to address pressing issues in agricultural policy, such as cost-benefit analysis of agricultural interventions, evaluation of subsidy programs, and assessment of market dynamics affecting agricultural producers. Luis’s dedication to research and his commitment to excellence make him a valuable asset in the realm of Agricultural Policies, where his analytical acumen and leadership skills are poised to make significant contributions to the field.


Publications Top Notes:

  1. Estimating cost-effectiveness thresholds under a managed healthcare system: experiences from Colombia
    Authors: O Espinosa, P Rodríguez-Lesmes, L Orozco, D Ávila, H Enríquez, …
    Published in Health Policy and Planning in 2022. This study explores the estimation of cost-effectiveness thresholds within the context of a managed healthcare system, drawing insights from Colombia’s experiences.
  2. Cost-utility analysis of reconstruction compared with primary amputation for patients with severe lower limb trauma in Colombia
    Authors: M Ceballos, CO Valderrama, LE Orozco, L Sánchez, JP Valderrama, …
    Published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma in 2017. This research investigates the cost-utility of reconstruction versus primary amputation for individuals with severe lower limb trauma in Colombia.
  3. Análisis de costo efectividad de ondansetrón para el tratamiento del vómito en niños menores de cinco años con gastroenteritis en Colombia
    Authors: S Atehortúa, ID Flórez, M Ceballos, C Granados, LE Orozco, A Mejía
    Published in Value in Health Regional Issues in 2015. This study evaluates the cost-effectiveness of ondansetron for treating vomiting in children under five years old with gastroenteritis in Colombia.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Use of a Prophylactic Antibiotic for Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Amputation due to Diabetes or Vascular Illness in Colombia
    Authors: M Ceballos, LE Orozco, CO Valderrama, DI Londoño, LH Lugo
    Published in Annals of Vascular Surgery in 2017. This research assesses the cost-effectiveness of prophylactic antibiotics for patients undergoing lower limb amputation due to diabetes or vascular illness in Colombia.
  5. Evaluación De Efectividad Y Seguridad De La Terapia Farmacológica Para EL Tratamiento De La Enfermedad De Parkinson Inicial Y Avanzada En Colombia
    Authors: J Contreras, P Castro, J Sierra, L Orozco
    Published in Value in Health in 2017. This study evaluates the effectiveness and safety of pharmacological therapy for treating both early and advanced Parkinson’s disease in Colombia.

Guillermo Martinez Pastur | Forest management | Lifetime achievement Award

Dr Guillermo Martinez Pastur | Forest management | Lifetime achievement Award

Investigador Principal at  CONICET Argentina, Argentina

Guillermo José Martínez Pastur is a renowned researcher specializing in silviculture, forest management, biodiversity conservation, and landscape ecology. Born on October 31, 1965, in San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, he holds a Ph.D. and has been actively contributing to the field since 1999. Martínez Pastur has held positions at prestigious institutions such as CONICET and has served as an agent for the Directorate of Forests of Tierra del Fuego. With a focus on ecosystem services, he has made significant contributions to academia, as evidenced by his publications and citations. Currently based in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Martínez Pastur continues his research at CADIC while also engaging in various collaborative projects.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Forest Engineering from the National University of La Plata (UNLP), followed by a Master’s and a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences from the National University of the South (UNSur).

👨‍💼 Professional Journey:

Martínez Pastur’s professional journey has been marked by his roles as a researcher at CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council) and various positions within the forestry sector, including the Directorate of Forests of Tierra del Fuego.

📚 Expertise:

His expertise spans silviculture, forest management, biodiversity conservation, landscape ecology, and ecosystem services, reflected in his numerous publications and research projects.


🌱 Research Focus: Forest management

🌲 Silviculture and Forest Management: Martínez Pastur’s expertise lies in the cultivation and management of forests, including techniques for enhancing forest health, productivity, and resilience to environmental challenges. 🌿 Biodiversity Conservation: He investigates strategies for preserving and enhancing biodiversity within forest ecosystems, recognizing the vital role of diverse flora and fauna in ecosystem stability and resilience. 🌍 Ecology of Landscapes: Martínez Pastur explores the intricate relationships between land use, landscape structure, and ecological processes, aiming to inform landscape-level management decisions for maximizing ecological integrity.🔄 Ecosystem Services: His research delves into the provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural services provided by forests, aiming to quantify and optimize these services for human well-being and environmental sustainability.


  • Citations (Since 2019): 5139
  • h-index (Since 2019): 31
  • i10-index (Since 2019): 136


Publications Top Notes:

  1. Gustafsson, L., Baker, S.C., Bauhus, J., Beese, W.J., Brodie, A., Kouki, J., … Martínez Pastur, G. (2012). Retention forestry to maintain multifunctional forests: a world perspective. BioScience, 62(7), 633-645. (Citations: 894)
  2. Lindenmayer, D.B., Franklin, J.F., Lõhmus, A., Baker, S.C., Bauhus, J., Beese, W., … Martínez Pastur, G. (2012). A major shift to the retention approach for forestry can help resolve some global forest sustainability issues. Conservation letters, 5(6), 421-431. (Citations: 452)
  3. Martínez Pastur, G., Peri, P.L., Lencinas, M.V., García-Llorente, M., & others. (2016). Spatial patterns of cultural ecosystem services provision in Southern Patagonia. Landscape ecology, 31, 383-399. (Citations: 247)
  4. Anderson, C.B., Pastur, G.M., Lencinas, M.V., Wallem, P.K., Moorman, M.C., & others. (2009). Do introduced North American beavers Castor canadensis engineer differently in southern South America? An overview with implications for restoration. Mammal Review, 39(1), 33-52. (Citations: 179)

Mxolisi Mukhawana | Climate Changes | Best Researcher Award

Mr Mxolisi Mukhawana | Climate Changes | Best Researcher Award

Scientific Manager / PhD Candidate at  Department of Water and Sanitation / University of the Western Cape, South Africa

Mxolisi Blessing Mukhawana is a distinguished scientific manager and research scientist specializing in water resources management, hailing from Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa. Armed with an M.Sc. in Physics from the University of Pretoria and holding the esteemed designation of Pr. Sci. Nat (Physics), Mukhawana is currently pursuing a PhD in Water and Environmental Science at the University of the Western Cape.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓


🎓 M.Sc. Physics from the University of Pretoria. 🎓 Pr. Sci. Nat (Physics). 🎓 PhD Candidate in Water and Environmental Science at UWC

Notable Achievements:

  • Spearheaded the design, development, and maintenance of the National Integrated Water Information System (NIWIS).
  • Coordinated the implementation of the Data Management Strategy (DMS) for Water and Sanitation in South Africa.
  • Lead researcher on “Investigations of Multi-Index Approaches for Integrated Drought Monitoring in South Africa.”


🌱 Research Focus: Climate Changes

Mxolisi’s research primarily revolves around the impacts of climate change on water resources, particularly in the context of South Africa. Their work involves studying patterns of climate variability, assessing the vulnerability of water systems to extreme weather events, and developing strategies for adaptive water resource management in a changing climate.

Publications Top Notes:

  1. Application of the Standardised Streamflow Index for Hydrological Drought Monitoring in the Western Cape Province, South Africa: A Case Study in the Berg River Catchment
    • Published in Water (Switzerland) in 2023, this article explores the application of the Standardised Streamflow Index for hydrological drought monitoring in the Western Cape Province, with a specific focus on the Berg River Catchment.
  2. Review of In-Situ and Remote Sensing-Based Indices and Their Applicability for Integrated Drought Monitoring in South Africa
    • Also published in Water (Switzerland) in 2023, this review article conducted by Mukhawana and colleagues assesses various in-situ and remote sensing-based indices for their applicability in integrated drought monitoring in South Africa.
    • Presented at the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) in 2021, this conference paper, co-authored by Mukhawana, highlights recent trends of drought using remotely sensed and in-situ indices, aiming towards the development of an integrated drought monitoring system for South Africa.