Carla Maria Schmidt | Agribusiness | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr Carla Maria Schmidt | Agribusiness | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Carla Maria Schmidt at  Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná – Unioeste, Brazil

Dr. Carla Maria Schmidt is an accomplished academic professional with a distinguished career in the field of Management. Born on March 20, 1979, in Brazil, she holds a Postdoctoral degree in Applied Social Sciences from the Regional University of Blumenau and a Ph.D. in Administration from the University of São Paulo.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education & Experience:

Carla holds a Postdoctoral degree in Applied Social Sciences from FURB (2014) and a Ph.D. in Administration from the University of São Paulo (2010). With a Master’s degree in Administration and a Bachelor’s in Executive Secretariat from Unioeste, her academic journey reflects a commitment to continuous learning.

🚀 Research & Contributions:

Carla is not just an academic; she’s a research powerhouse. Leading the GPSEB Research Group since 2011 and coordinating the NEPIS center, she’s dedicated to advancing Management, Agroindustrial Systems, Cooperation, and Sustainability. Her 175 published books and numerous projects underline her commitment to innovation and knowledge dissemination.

🏆 Awards & Recognition:

Carla’s impactful career has garnered her scientific awards, recognition for extension projects, and a consistent presence in the Ranking of Scientists of the AD Scientific Index. Her cumulative impact factor of 0.745 in the last six years speaks volumes about her influence.

👩‍🏫 Professional Journey:

Boasting 24 years of professional experience, including 19 years as a professor, Carla is deeply involved in teaching, research, and extension at Unioeste. She’s a key player in leadership roles within the university, contributing significantly to Master’s, Doctorate, and Specialization Programs.

👩‍🔬 Research Focus:

📈 Entrepreneurship Culture: In her seminal work with MT Dreher, “Cultura Empreendedora: Empreendedorismo Coletivo e Perfil Empreendedor” (REGE Revista de Gestão, 2008), she explores the dynamics of entrepreneurial culture, emphasizing collective entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial profiles. This showcases her dedication to unraveling the intricacies of entrepreneurial ecosystems.

📑 Secretariado Executivo no Brasil: Teaming up with ID Cielo and KR Wenningkamp in “Secretariado Executivo no Brasil: Quo Vadis?” (Revista de Gestão e Secretariado, 2014), Carla addresses the trajectory of Executive Secretariat in Brazil. This demonstrates her multidisciplinary approach, connecting administrative functions with broader societal implications.

🌾 Female Participation in Agribusiness: Her collaborative work with ID Cielo and KR Wenningkamp in “A Participação Feminina no Agronegócio: O Caso da Coopavel–Cooperativa Agroindustrial de Cascavel” (Revista Capital Científico-Eletrônica, 2014) delves into gender dynamics in agribusiness, highlighting her commitment to issues of diversity and inclusion.

🌱 Organic Products Trade Policies: In collaboration with L Santos, Z Bidarra, and J Staduto, Carla contributes to “Políticas Públicas para o Comércio de Produtos Orgânicos no Brasil” (Revista de Ciências Agrárias, 2017), underscoring her engagement with sustainability and policy aspects within agricultural systems.

🏞️ Governance in Regional Tourism: Her work with M Tomio in “Governança e Ações Coletivas no Turismo Regional: A Experiência dos Empreendedores da Região Oeste do Paraná” (Turismo-Visão e Ação, 2014) showcases her interest in regional governance and collective actions, particularly in the context of tourism development.


  • Total Citations: 582
  • Since 2019: 374 citations

📊 Scholarly Impact:

  • h-Index: 13
  • i10-Index: 20

These metrics underscore the widespread recognition and influence of her work in academic circles. With a commendable h-index of 13, indicating at least 13 of her papers have been cited at least 13 times each, and an i10-index of 20, reflecting the number of papers with at least 10 citations, Carla’s research stands as a cornerstone in her field.

Publications Top Notes: