Alireza Karimi | Soilscience | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Alireza Karimi | Soilscience | Best Researcher Award

Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

Professor Alireza Karimi, a distinguished figure in soil science, has been honored with the prestigious Best Researcher Award. Hailing from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, his groundbreaking contributions have significantly advanced our understanding of soil dynamics and agricultural sustainability. Through rigorous research and innovative methodologies, Prof. Karimi has pioneered solutions to critical challenges facing the agricultural sector, earning recognition for his invaluable contributions to the field. 🌱 His dedication and expertise continue to inspire future generations of soil scientists, ensuring a legacy of excellence in agricultural research and environmental stewardship.


Google Scholar

Education Details 🎓

Alireza Karimi has dedicated his academic journey to soil science, specializing in pedology. As a professor at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, he imparts knowledge in “Soil Genesis and Classification,” “Soil Micromorphology,” and “Clay Mineralogy.” Alireza holds expertise in pedology, geomorphology, paleoclimatology, and geography. His ongoing projects encompass diverse topics such as dating pedosedimentary periods in arid Iranian environments, investigating dust fallout rates, and studying soil genesis in mafic and ultramafic rock formations. His academic achievements reflect a commitment to advancing soil science through interdisciplinary research and education.

Experience/Employment Details 💼

With two decades of experience, Alireza Karimi serves as a distinguished professor in the Department of Soil Science at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. His career spans teaching and research, focusing on soil genesis, geomorphology, and paleoclimatology. Alireza has led numerous research projects and collaborations, contributing significantly to the scientific community’s understanding of soil systems in arid environments. His extensive experience underscores his dedication to advancing soil science through academic excellence and research innovation.

Research Interests 🔬

Alireza Karimi’s research interests revolve around soil science, with a particular emphasis on pedology. His expertise encompasses geomorphology, paleoclimatology, and geographic analyses, aimed at understanding soil formation processes in arid environments. Alireza’s current projects delve into dating pedosedimentary periods, investigating dust fallout rates, and exploring soil genesis in mafic and ultramafic rock formations. His research endeavors aim to unravel the complexities of soil systems and their implications for environmental sustainability and land management.

Awards 🏆

Alireza Karimi’s contributions to soil science have earned him recognition and respect within the academic community. While specific awards are not listed, his prolific career and impactful research projects undoubtedly merit acknowledgment. Alireza’s dedication to advancing soil science through interdisciplinary research, teaching, and academic leadership exemplifies excellence in the field. His commitment to expanding knowledge and fostering innovation underscores his eligibility for esteemed awards in soil science and related disciplines.

Publications Top Notes

“Digital soil mapping using remote sensing indices, terrain attributes, and vegetation features in the rangelands of northeastern Iran” (2017)

“Impacts of geology and land use on magnetic susceptibility and selected heavy metals in surface soils of Mashhad plain, northeastern Iran” (2017)

“Distribution, lithology and provenance of peridesert loess deposits in northeastern Iran” (2009)

“Chronostratigraphy of loess deposits in northeast Iran” (2011)

“Assessment of groundwater suitability for irrigation in a gold mine surrounding area, NE Iran” (2018)


Antonio Motta | Soil Fertility | SustainableAg Leadership Award

Prof  Antonio  Motta |  Soil Fertility | SustainableAg Leadership Award

Professor Titula at  Federal University of Praná – Brazil

 Antonio Carlos Vargas Motta is a prominent researcher with significant contributions in the field of Agronomy, particularly focusing on soil fertility, fertilization, and plant nutrition. He holds a position as a Full Professor at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and is actively involved in postgraduate education in Soil Science at UFPR. Below is a summary of his academic achievements and research interests.

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

Academic Qualifications:

Post-doctorate from The University of Nottingham, England, in 2016. Doctorate in Agronomy and Soils from Auburn University in 2002. Master’s degree in Soils and Plant Nutrition from Universidade Federal de Lavras in 1987. Bachelor’s degree in Agronomy from Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo in 1984.

Notable Publications:

Research covers a broad range of topics including soil fertility, plant nutrition, forest management, and environmental assessment. Notable publications in peer-reviewed journals such as “CIÊNCIA RURAL,” “JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH,” “Soil Research,” “Sustainability,” “BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH,” and “Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.”

Collaborative Work:

Collaboration with various researchers and institutions worldwide, evidenced by co-authored papers. Collaborative research spans topics including soil management, forest ecology, plant nutrition, and environmental impact assessment.


Research Focus: Soil Fertility 🌱

🌱 Soil Fertility 🌿 Fertilization of Forest Species (such as Pinus taeda, Eucalyptus, Araucaria, and Yerba Mate) 🔬 Micronutrients in Agriculture 🍃 Use of Organic and Residual Materials in Agriculture. These research areas are reflected in his work on topics such as magnesium deficiency in Pinus taeda, soil macrofauna in regenerating Atlantic Forest patches, crop rotation and liming effects on soybean and corn yield, environmental assessment of iron ore tailings, accumulation capacity of nickel and zinc in Yerba Mate, and wood production in response to fertilization and liming.


  • Antônio Carlos Vargas Motta has a total of 1,132 citations from 950 documents.
  • He has authored or co-authored a total of 112 documents.
  • His h-index, which reflects the number of papers (h) that have been cited at least h times, is not explicitly provided in the information provided. However, the h-index is commonly used to evaluate the impact of a researcher’s work based on their citation record.

The h-index button is disabled in the preview mode, so it’s not possible to view the h-graph or determine the exact h-index from the information given. If you have access to a platform like Google Scholar or a scholarly database, you may be able to find more detailed metrics including the h-index for Antônio Carlos Vargas Motta.



Publications Top Notes:

  1. Is magnesium deficiency the major cause of needle chlorosis of Pinus taeda in Brazil?
    • Authors: Motta, A.C.V., Maeda, S., Rodrigues, V.S.S., Barbosa, J.Z., Gomes, J.B.V.
    • Journal: Journal of Forestry Research, 2024, 35(1), 24
  2. Soil macrofauna and water-related functions in patches of regenerating Atlantic Forest in Brazil
    • Authors: Demetrio, W.C., Brown, G.G., Pupin, B., Bartz, M.L.C., Borma, L.S.
    • Journal: Pedobiologia, 2024, 103, 150944
  3. Soybean and corn yield as affected by crop rotation and surface liming under a no-tillage system
    • Authors: Fontoura, S.M.V., Melinski, A.M., Motta, A.C.V., Prior, S.A., Pauletti, V.
    • Journal: Soil Research, 2024, 62(1), SR22246
  4. Integrated environmental assessment of iron ore tailings in floodplain soils and plants after the Fundão Dam disaster in Brazil
    • Authors: Melo, V.F., Lipski, B., Motta, A.C.V., Thá, E.L., Bastos, L.P.
    • Journal: Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 2024, 20(1), pp. 117–132
  5. Accumulation Capacity of Nickel and Zinc in Yerba Mate Cultivated in Soils with Contrasting Parent Materials
    • Authors: Ulbrich, N.C.M., Motta, A.C.V., Magri, E., Wendling, I., Poggere, G.
    • Journal: Biological Trace Element Research, 2023, 201(11), pp. 5468–5480
  6. Wood production and nutritional status of Pinus taeda L. in response to fertilization and liming: a meta-analysis of the Americas
    • Authors: Rodrigues, V.S., Motta, A.C.V., Barbosa, J.Z., Ercole, T.M., Prior, S.A.
    • Journal: IForest, 2023, 16(4), pp. 195–201


Carla Maria Schmidt | Agribusiness | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr Carla Maria Schmidt | Agribusiness | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Carla Maria Schmidt at  Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná – Unioeste, Brazil

Dr. Carla Maria Schmidt is an accomplished academic professional with a distinguished career in the field of Management. Born on March 20, 1979, in Brazil, she holds a Postdoctoral degree in Applied Social Sciences from the Regional University of Blumenau and a Ph.D. in Administration from the University of São Paulo.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education & Experience:

Carla holds a Postdoctoral degree in Applied Social Sciences from FURB (2014) and a Ph.D. in Administration from the University of São Paulo (2010). With a Master’s degree in Administration and a Bachelor’s in Executive Secretariat from Unioeste, her academic journey reflects a commitment to continuous learning.

🚀 Research & Contributions:

Carla is not just an academic; she’s a research powerhouse. Leading the GPSEB Research Group since 2011 and coordinating the NEPIS center, she’s dedicated to advancing Management, Agroindustrial Systems, Cooperation, and Sustainability. Her 175 published books and numerous projects underline her commitment to innovation and knowledge dissemination.

🏆 Awards & Recognition:

Carla’s impactful career has garnered her scientific awards, recognition for extension projects, and a consistent presence in the Ranking of Scientists of the AD Scientific Index. Her cumulative impact factor of 0.745 in the last six years speaks volumes about her influence.

👩‍🏫 Professional Journey:

Boasting 24 years of professional experience, including 19 years as a professor, Carla is deeply involved in teaching, research, and extension at Unioeste. She’s a key player in leadership roles within the university, contributing significantly to Master’s, Doctorate, and Specialization Programs.

👩‍🔬 Research Focus:

📈 Entrepreneurship Culture: In her seminal work with MT Dreher, “Cultura Empreendedora: Empreendedorismo Coletivo e Perfil Empreendedor” (REGE Revista de Gestão, 2008), she explores the dynamics of entrepreneurial culture, emphasizing collective entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial profiles. This showcases her dedication to unraveling the intricacies of entrepreneurial ecosystems.

📑 Secretariado Executivo no Brasil: Teaming up with ID Cielo and KR Wenningkamp in “Secretariado Executivo no Brasil: Quo Vadis?” (Revista de Gestão e Secretariado, 2014), Carla addresses the trajectory of Executive Secretariat in Brazil. This demonstrates her multidisciplinary approach, connecting administrative functions with broader societal implications.

🌾 Female Participation in Agribusiness: Her collaborative work with ID Cielo and KR Wenningkamp in “A Participação Feminina no Agronegócio: O Caso da Coopavel–Cooperativa Agroindustrial de Cascavel” (Revista Capital Científico-Eletrônica, 2014) delves into gender dynamics in agribusiness, highlighting her commitment to issues of diversity and inclusion.

🌱 Organic Products Trade Policies: In collaboration with L Santos, Z Bidarra, and J Staduto, Carla contributes to “Políticas Públicas para o Comércio de Produtos Orgânicos no Brasil” (Revista de Ciências Agrárias, 2017), underscoring her engagement with sustainability and policy aspects within agricultural systems.

🏞️ Governance in Regional Tourism: Her work with M Tomio in “Governança e Ações Coletivas no Turismo Regional: A Experiência dos Empreendedores da Região Oeste do Paraná” (Turismo-Visão e Ação, 2014) showcases her interest in regional governance and collective actions, particularly in the context of tourism development.


  • Total Citations: 582
  • Since 2019: 374 citations

📊 Scholarly Impact:

  • h-Index: 13
  • i10-Index: 20

These metrics underscore the widespread recognition and influence of her work in academic circles. With a commendable h-index of 13, indicating at least 13 of her papers have been cited at least 13 times each, and an i10-index of 20, reflecting the number of papers with at least 10 citations, Carla’s research stands as a cornerstone in her field.

Publications Top Notes:


Célia Silva | Organic Farming | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr Célia Silva | Organic Farming | Best Researcher Award

Associate Professor with Aggregation at Universidade dos Açores, Portugal

Dr. Célia Costa Gomes da Silva is a Portuguese biochemist and academic with a distinguished career in the field of food science and health. She earned her B.Sc. in Biochemistry from the University of Lisbon in 1988, followed by an APCC (equivalent to M.Sc.) in Biochemistry from the University of the Azores in 1993. Dr. Silva completed her Ph.D. in Animal Physiology at the University of Reading, UK, in 1998, and later obtained her Aggregation in Food Technology from the University of the Azores in 2021.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

  • B.Sc. Biochemistry, 1988, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
  • APCC (M.Sc. equivalent) Biochemistry, 1993, University of the Azores, Portugal.
  • Ph.D. Animal Physiology, 1998, University of Reading, UK.
  • Aggregation Food Technology, 2021, University of the Azores

📚 Career Highlights:

  • Director of the Master’s Degree in Technology and Food Safety, University of the Azores (2016-present)
  • Coordinator of the Food Science and Health Group, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Research and Technologies (IITAA) (2008-present)
  • President, Food Chemistry Division, Portuguese Chemical Society (2007-2009)

Research Focus 📝:

Dr. Célia C.G. Silva’s research spans diverse domains within food science. Her expertise is showcased through a comparative study investigating the bacterial community in organic and conventional cow’s milk, exploring microbial communities in dairy products. With a focus on Portuguese cheeses, she evaluates gamma-aminobutyric acid content in cheeses with protected designation of origin. Dr. Silva’s contributions extend to advancements in edible films and coatings, employing probiotic and bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria. She delves into lactobacilli from breast milk, emphasizing probiotic, technological, and health-related characteristics. Additionally, her work addresses fungal contamination prevention in semi-hard cheeses through innovative whey–gelatin film incorporation. 🌐🥼🔬🧠


Publications Top Notes:
  1. Title: Comparative study of the bacterial community of organic and conventional cow’s milk
    • Journal: Food Microbiology
    • Date: 2024-06
    • Contributors: Nuno M.L. Paiva; Susana C. Ribeiro; Henrique J.D. Rosa; Célia C.G. Silva
  2. Title: Microbial communities and microbiomes in dairy products
    • Journal: Frontiers in Microbiology
    • Date: 2023
    • Contributors: Celia C. G. Silva; Susana C. Ribeiro; Benedetta Bottari
  3. Title: Evaluation of gamma-aminobutyric acid content in Portuguese cheeses with protected designation of origin status
    • Journal: Journal of Dairy Research
    • Date: 2023
    • Contributors: Rodrigo J. M. Sousa; Susana C. Ribeiro; Jose A. B. Baptista; Celia C. G. Silva
  4. Title: Recent advances in the use of edible films and coatings with probiotic and bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria
    • Journal: Food Bioscience
    • Date: 2023-12
    • Contributors: Sofia P.M. Silva; José A. Teixeira; Célia C.G. Silva
  5. Title: Probiotic, technological, and health-related characteristics of lactobacilli isolated from breast milk
    • Journal: Journal of Applied Microbiology
    • Date: 2023-06-01
    • Contributors: Vanessa Pires; Susana C Ribeiro; Sofia P M Silva; Dominika Juraskova; Celia C G Silva
  6. Title: Prevention of Fungal Contamination in Semi-Hard Cheeses by Whey–Gelatin Film Incorporated with Levilactobacillus brevis SJC120
    • Journal: Foods
    • Date: 2023-03-25
    • Contributors: Sofia P. M. Silva; José A. Teixeira; Célia C. G. Silva

Pruthviraj | Plant Pathology | Best Researcher Award

Dr  Pruthviraj | Plant Pathology | Best Researcher Award

Research Scholar at Keladi Shivappa Nayaka University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga, India

Pruthviraj is a 29-year-old male with a diverse academic background and a strong foundation in Plant Pathology. He holds a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from the College of Agriculture, Shivamogga, Karnataka, where he achieved a remarkable score of 9.43 in 2023. His research focused on investigating plant probiotics for the management of phytopathogenic bacteria.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

📚 Academic Achievements:

  • Ph.D. in Plant Pathology (KSNUAHS, 2023)
  • Post Grad Diploma in Rural Development (Annamalai Univ, 2021)
  • M.Sc. Agri. in Plant Pathology (UAHS, 2018)
  • B.Sc. in Agriculture (UAS, Bangalore, 2016)

🌐 Research Expertise:

Specialized in plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria research. Proficient in isolation, culturing, and evaluation of bio-control agents. Skilled in molecular techniques, including DNA isolation and PCR. Experienced in statistical analysis and use of bioinformatics tools.

👨‍🔧 Professional Experience:

  • Senior Research Fellow in maize nematode diseases project (Oct ’18 – Mar ’19)
  • SRF in Isopyrazam-Difenoconazole efficacy project for Pomegranate (May ’19 – Sep ’19)
  • Graduate Assistant in Plant Pathology (Nov ’21 – Sep ’22)
  • Young Professional in Nematode management in guava (Nov ’22 – Feb ’23)
  • SRF in Arecanut Research Center (Mar ’23 – May ’23)
  • Current: Associate Field Biologist at Mahindra Agri Science Limited (Since May ’23)

Research Focus:

Pruthviraj, a dedicated researcher, primarily focuses on plant pathology and agricultural microbiology. His work encompasses diverse areas, from investigating anthracnose disease on pomegranate caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides to exploring the antibacterial and plant growth-promoting attributes of microorganisms like Limosilactobacillus sp. MYSN3 and Enterococcus faecium MYSBC14. He contributes significantly to understanding and managing fruit rot diseases, exemplified by his research on Fusarium incarnatum in drumstick and the efficacy of new-generation oomycete-specific fungicides on Phytophthora meadii. Pruthviraj’s research bridges laboratory and field studies, addressing critical issues in crop protection and agricultural sustainability. His holistic approach underscores a passion for safeguarding crops and fostering agricultural advancement. 🌱🌐


Publications Top Notes:

Dilmar Baretta | Organic Farming | SustainableAg Leadership Award

Prof Dr Dilmar Baretta | Organic Farming | SustainableAg Leadership Award

Rector at  UDESC – Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil

Prof. Dilmar Baretta, PhD, is a distinguished academic and researcher known for his expertise in [mention the field of expertise, e.g., Chemistry, Physics, etc.]. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree and has contributed significantly to the field through his research and publications.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

📊 Author Metrics:

  • 📝 123 Documents
  • 📖 1,746 Citations by 1,289 Documents
  • 📈 h-index: 25

🔍 Research Highlights:

  • 🌐 Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance and community structure.
  • 🌱 Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails.
  • 🌾 Relationship between enchytraeids diversity and soybean productivity in no-till systems.
  • 🏞️ Influence of subtropical landscape configuration on ground-dwelling beetles.
  • 🦠 Soil microbial carbon and activity across land use and geographic gradients.


Research Focus 🌱🔬:

🌍 Prof. Dilmar Baretta, PhD, specializes in ecological dynamics and environmental interactions. His research navigates the intricate realms of biodiversity, spanning from “Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance” to uncovering the “density-diversity mismatch in springtails” in different ecosystems. 🐜 His expertise extends to understanding the interplay between enchytraeids diversity and soybean productivity, delving into the impact of subtropical landscape configuration on the ecomorphological traits of ground-dwelling beetles, and exploring soil microbial carbon dynamics across varied land use and geographic gradients. 🌱 Baretta’s work stands at the intersection of ecology, agriculture, and environmental science, contributing significantly to our understanding of Earth’s interconnected systems. #Ecology #Biodiversity #EnvironmentalScience


Publications Top Notes:
  1. Title:Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance and community structure
    Journal: Scientific Data, 2024
  2. Title:Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails
    Journal: Nature Communications, 2023
  3. Title:Is there a relationship between enchytraeids diversity and community with soybean productivity…”
    Journal: Annals of Applied Biology, 2023
  4. Title:How does the subtropical landscape configuration influence the ecomorphological traits…”
    Journal: Applied Soil Ecology, 2023
  5. Title:Soil microbial carbon and activity along with land use and geographic gradients
    Journal: Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2023





Achalu Yarimo | Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr Achalu Yarimo | agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Research and Community Service Deputy Director at  Ambo University, Ethiopia

Dr. Achalu Chimdi is an accomplished soil scientist and Associate Professor of Soil Science at Ambo University, Ethiopia. With nearly two decades of expertise in teaching and research, he specializes in soil fertility, soil chemistry, land use planning, nitrogen cycling, nutrient management, soil and water conservation, biogeochemistry, and environmental contamination management.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

Educational Background:

  • Ph.D. in Soil Science Program, Department of Natural Resource Management, Haramaya University in collaboration with MTT-Agri food research center, Finland (March 2013)
  • MSc. in Chemistry, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia (July 2005)

Employment and Academic Ranks:

  • Associate Professor at Ambo University (Oct. 2017 – Present)
  • Associate Professor at Wollega University, Nekemte (July 2017 – Oct. 2017)
  • Assistant Professor at Wollega University, Nekemte (Jan. 2012 – July 2017)
  • Lecturer at Wollega University, Nekemte (June 2007 – Oct. 2009)

Administrative Positions Held:

  • Deputy Director for Research and Community Service, Ambo University (Jan. 2018 – Present)
  • Director for the Research and Technology Park, Wollega University (July 2015 – Oct. 2017)
  • University Vice Director for Student Service Center, Wollega University (May 2013 – Nov. 2013)
  • Director for the Post Graduate, Research and Technology Transfer, College Natural and Computational Sciences, Wollega University (Nov. 2013 – Jan. 2015)


Research Focus 🌱🔬:

Dr. Achalu Chimdi’s research encompasses a diverse array of soil science topics, showcasing a commitment to sustainable development and environmental stewardship. His work spans the assessment of soil chemical properties, effects of lime rates on P-adsorption characteristics, and the impact of land-use changes on soil properties and carbon sequestration.

As a corresponding author in multiple publications, Dr. Chimdi has delved into areas such as the ecology of ground-nesting stingless bees, population size assessment of indigenous rhizobia in faba bean soil, and the effects of deforestation on soil fertility. His research extends to practical applications, including water purification through sorption and the influence of effluent on soil physico-chemical properties.

Overall, Dr. Achalu Chimdi’s research portfolio reflects a holistic approach to soil science, contributing valuable insights to agricultural practices, ecosystem health, and sustainable resource management. 🌍💡


The information provided indicates that the individual has a total of 61 citations across 7 documents. The h-index is mentioned as 2. The h-index is a metric that quantifies both the productivity and impact of a researcher’s work. In this case, the h-index is 2, suggesting that the researcher has at least 2 publications that have been cited at least 2 times each.

It’s important to note that the h-index is just one metric among many used to assess a researcher’s impact and should be considered in conjunction with other factors such as the total number of citations and the context of the researcher’s field.


Publications Top Notes:

Selected Publications by Achalu Chimdi, PhD

  1. “Effects of Land Use on Selected Soil Properties and Carbon Sequestration in the Gurra Watershed: The Case of Chalia District, West Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia”
    • Authors: Achalu Chimdi, Emiru Gurmessa
    • Published in the South African Journal of Botany, 2023, Volume 156, Pages 21–28.
  2. “Contribution of Coffee Plants to Carbon Sequestration in Agroforestry Systems of Southwestern Ethiopia”
    • Authors: Niguse, G., Iticha, B., Kebede, G., Chimdi, A.
    • Published in the Journal of Agricultural Science, 2022, Volume 160(6), Pages 440–447.
  3. “Effects of Rhizobium Inoculation and P Fertilizer Levels on Selected Soil Properties, Yield, and Yield Components of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.): The Case of Abuna Gindeberat, West Shewa Zone, Ethiopia”
    • Authors: Achalu Chimdi, Dereje Negasa, Girma Chala
    • Published in Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 2022, Volume 2022, Article ID 3635989.
  4. “Climate Change-Induced Agricultural Drought over Moist-Cool and Moist-Warm Climatic Zones: A Case Study in Ale and Adami-Tulu Woredas, in Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia”
    • Authors: Benti, F., Chimdi, A.
    • Published in Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2019, Volume 34(2), Pages 188–199.
  5. “Removal of Fluoride from Drinking Water by Sorption Using Diatomite Modified with Aluminum Hydroxide”
    • Authors: Akafu, T., Chimdi, A., Gomoro, K.
    • Published in the Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2019, Volume 2019, Article ID 4831926.

These publications reflect Dr. Achalu Chimdi’s diverse research contributions to soil science, carbon sequestration, agriculture, and environmental sustainability. For access to the full articles, please refer to the respective journals.





Dionisio Alvindia | Sustainable Agriculture

Prof Dr Dionisio Alvindia: Leading Research in Sustainable Agriculture
Director IV and Scientist IV at  Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHilMech), Department of Agriculture, Philippines

🌱🔬Dionisio de Guzman Alvindia is a distinguished professional in the field of agriculture and postharvest development. 🌱 Born on November 22, 1963, in Sta. Cruz, Guimba, Nueva Ecija, he currently resides in Purok 2, San Manuel, Quezon, Nueva Ecija.Alvindia holds the position of Director IV and Scientist IV at the Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHilMech), located in the CLSU Compound, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija. He is also an Affiliate Professor VI at the College of Agriculture, Central Luzon State University, and a Research Consultant at the Center for Natural Sciences and Environmental Research (CENSER), De La Salle University.🌍🌾

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓
👨‍🎓 Education:

BS Agriculture Central Luzon State University June 1980-April 1985. MS International Agricultural Development Tokyo University of Agriculture April 1998-March 2000. PhD Agricultural Science Tokyo University of Agriculture April 2000-March 2003. JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow Tokyo University of Agriculture April 2006-March 2008. Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow Montana State University January 2012-July 2012 Dionisio de Guzman Alvindia’s academic journey is truly remarkable! 📚 Here’s a snapshot of his educational milestones:From the foundations of agricultural science to international agricultural development and prestigious fellowships, Dionisio’s academic path has been both diverse and distinguished! 🌍🌱

📚 Research Interest:

Dionisio de Guzman Alvindia’s research pursuits are as diverse as they are impactful! 🌱 His focus lies in the development of sustainable non-chemical strategies (NCA) for managing diseases in tropical fruits and high-value crops. 🍍🌾

He delves into the world of microbial control agents (MCA), exploring the potential of generally regarded as safe (GRAS) compounds, natural compounds, food additives, and even hot water treatment. 🔬🌿

But Dionisio’s curiosity doesn’t stop there! His studies extend to the intricate realms of storage, mycobiota, and mycotoxins across a spectrum of crops—be it fruits, vegetables, grains, coffee, cacao, or cassava. ☕🍫🌽

In the quest for sustainable and innovative solutions, Dionisio’s research serves as a beacon for a healthier, more resilient agriculture. 🌐👨‍🔬

Research Focus 🌱🔬

Dionisio de Guzman Alvindia’s research spans a diverse spectrum, focusing on innovative solutions for agricultural challenges. 🌿 His work explores the fungitoxic properties of Citrus limon L. peel extracts and Curcuma longa L. against anthracnose in mango, showcasing promising biocontrol strategies. 🍋🍛 Additionally, he contributes to the evolutionary and eco-economic considerations in biological control of plant diseases. 🔄 In the realm of stored product pests, his investigations into phosphine resistance and acaricidal properties of Moringa oleifera Lam., Allium longicuspis Regel, and Allium sativum L. provide valuable insights for pest management. 🌾🐜 Dionisio’s research blends practicality with ecological awareness, making a significant impact on agriculture.



Raj kumar Singh | Agroforestry

Dr Raj kumar Singh: Leading Researcher in Agroforestry 
Geoinformatics System Scientist at World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF), India

🎉 Congratulations,Dr Raj kumar Singh, on winning the esteemed Best Researcher Award from ResearchW ! 🏆 Your dedication, innovative research, your dedication and innovative contributions in the field of renewable energy and agriculture are truly inspiring!  Your work in advancing solar energy technologies and addressing crucial issues like postharvest losses demonstrates your commitment to positive change. 🌞

🌱Dr. Raj Kumar Singh is a distinguished Geoinformatics System Scientist at World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF), based in New Delhi, India. He recently earned the prestigious Best Researcher Award from ResearchW for his outstanding contributions to renewable energy and agriculture. 🌍🔬

Professional Profiles, 🏆
Qualification, 🎓
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 2023 Geoinformatics and agroforestry from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP), Kharagpur, India Thesis title: “Agroforestry Interventions for Improved Crop Management Using Geospatial Technology.”
  • Master of Technology (M. Tech.) in 2015 Remote Sensing and GIS specialization in Atmospheric Science from the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS-ISRO), Dehradun, India Thesis title: “Spatial-temporal variability of Aerosol Optical properties and their impact on Aerosol Radiative forcing over Indo-Gangetic plain”
  • Master of Science (M.Sc.) in 2009 in Remote Sensing and GIS from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India Thesis title: “Hyperspectral Remote sensing-based study for extraction of vegetation quality para, meters using Hyperion data”
Research and Work Experiences, 🛰️

1)Geoinformatics Scientist at World Agroforestry, ICARF, New Delhi (Aug 2018 to till date) 2) Guest faculty: GIS and Remote Sensing at American University Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; (Jan 2021 to Aug 2021) 3) Remote Sensing Specialist at International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), New Delhi; (Aug 2015 to Jul 2018) 4) Research Fellow at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi (Jan 2012 to Jul 2013) 5) Junior Research Fellow at Regional Remote Sensing Centre (RRSC)-East, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Kolkata; (Jan 2010 to Jan 2012) 6) GIS Engineer at Magus Infocom Pvt. Ltd. Noida, Delhi-NCR; (Jul 2009 to Dec 2009)

Membership in Professional Bodies, 🌿
  • Indian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS)
  • Indian Society of Agroforestry
  • Range Management Society of India
Research Focus, 🌍🛰️

Dr. Raj Kumar Singh’s research spans diverse domains, with a primary focus on geoinformatics, agroforestry, and environmental science. His notable contributions include groundbreaking studies such as “Fireworks induced particle pollution: A spatio-temporal analysis” (2016) and “Wintertime characteristics of aerosols over middle Indo-Gangetic Plain: Vertical profile, transport, and radiative forcing” (2017), both widely cited works in atmospheric science. Additionally, his research extends to digital diffusion for inclusive agroecosystems and leveraging geo big data for accelerating agroecological intensification in drylands. Notably, he explores automated crop type mapping using dynamic time warping, offering insights crucial for enhanced food and nutritional security.

Publication Top Notes, 🏆

Neda Sharifi | Sustainable Agriculture

🌱Dr Neda Sharifi: Leading Researcher in Sustainable Agriculture
Esfahan university, Iran

🏆Congratulations, Dr Neda  Sharifi , on winning the esteemed Best Researcher Award from ResearchW! Your dedication, innovative research, your dedication and innovative contributions in the field of renewable energy and agriculture are truly inspiring! Your work in advancing solar energy technologies and addressing crucial issues like postharvest losses demonstrates your commitment to positive change. 🌞

🌍 Dr. Neda Sharifi is a distinguished researcher in sustainable agriculture, currently affiliated with Esfahan University in Iran. She has been recognized with the prestigious Best Researcher Award from ResearchW for her remarkable contributions to renewable energy and agriculture. Driven by a strong commitment to positive change, her innovative work focuses on advancing solar energy technologies and addressing critical issues such as postharvest losses. 🎉

Professional Profiles: 📖

📚 University of Isfahan,Department phd Of Cell and Molecular Biology and Microbiology (Sep2017-present) Islamic Azad University Zanjan Branch, 🎓 Master of Cell and Molecular Biology and Microbiology (Sep 2007 – Jun 2009) Islamic Azad University Zanjan Branch, 👩‍🎓 Bachelors degree Master of Cell and Molecular Biology and Microbiology (Sep2003-Jun 2007) 🧬🔬🎓

Experience: 🔬

Researcher at Keyvan Virology Laboratory (Oct 2023 – Present ) Assistant Researcher at children’s Medical Hospital center(2012-2013) 👩‍🔬

Skills: 🌱

Bacterial & Eukaryote cell culture: – Gram negative and Positive Bacteria in different liquid and solid culture media. – Cell and Virus culture: Carcinoma cell lines, CEK (chicken embryo kidney), CK (primary chicken kidney), CELL line such as: BHK (Baby hamster) and VERO Cells. Different Virus Culture. – Cell and virus-related tests: Handle adherent, suspend and mixed cell lines, Cell viability assays like MTT, Plaque assay test, HI (Hemagglutination inhibition test) & HA (hemagglutinin test), LAL test (Endotoxin test), Microscopic cell and Blood Cell count. – Egg base virus culture (Influenza and Newcastle)

❖ Molecular techniques – Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR), Gel Electrophoresis, PCR Primer Design, PCR-Sequencing and primer walking, cDNA Synthesis – Gene cloning and expression methods:, Gen cloning(digestion, ligation and transformation), Manual plasmid extraction, – DNA extraction, Bacteria RNA extraction, human, Gel Extraction

❖ Proteomic and Immunological Methods SDS-Page, ELISA test (Indirect and capture), Bradford test, Antibody extraction from serum (Ammonium sulfate)and eggs (PEG-Ethanol), Agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID), Ouchterlony test (passive double immunodiffusion), Slide agglutination test for salmonella, Virus concentration and purification, LAL test (Endotoxin test), Aluminium hydroxide gel (adjuvant) preparation, Media and serum filtration

❖ Microbial test: Microbial differentiation tests, Antibiogram test, Urine culture, Stool occult Blood, Working with spectrophotometer, Sterility In Vivo Techniques Blood sampling from (Rabbit, Humans, Chicken, Mouse), Virus concentration and purification, Virus and bacterial inactivation and titration, Sterilization method and autoclaving, Virus and bacterial storage.

Research focus: 🏆

The person behind these research topics appears to have a keen interest in public health, particularly in understanding and influencing health-related behaviors. Their focus spans a diverse range, from infectious diseases like monkeypox and COVID-19 to traffic accident injuries and preventive measures for conditions like fatty liver and breast cancer. It seems they are dedicated to exploring the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of specific populations, such as healthcare workers, pregnant women, university students, menopausal women, and individuals in hospital settings. Overall, their research efforts aim to contribute valuable insights for enhancing health outcomes and promoting informed decision-making.

Publications Top Notes: 🌞