Prof Sanjib Pohit | Crop Production | Best Researcher Award

Prof Sanjib Pohit | Crop Production | Best Researcher Award

Professor at NCAER, India

Sanjib Pohit is a renowned economist with a Ph.D. in Economics from the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), New Delhi. Currently serving as a Professor at the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) in New Delhi, India, he has held various significant positions in academia and research institutions.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓


  • 🎓 Ph.D. in Economics, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), N. Delhi, India (1993)
  • 🎓 M. Stat. (Quantitative Economics & Planning), ISI, Calcutta & N. Delhi (1985)
  • 🎓 B. Stat. (Honours), ISI, Calcutta (1983)

Professional Experience:

  • 🏆 Top 8% in India, Top 14% in Asia (RePEc data ranking)
  • 🌐 Featured in Who’s Who in the World list of 2020

Teaching Experience:

  • 📚 Taught courses on Trade and Technology, Indian Economy and Policy
  • 🎓 Guest Lecturer at IIM Lucknow-NOIDA

Professional Advisory and Achievements:

  • 📝 Managing Editor (-ex) of Margin – Journal of Applied Economic Research
  • 🌐 Member of Asian Council of Science Editors
  • 🎓 Selected for Gopal Krishna Gokhale Memorial Annual Prize for outstanding article (2021)
  • 🏆 Earhart scholarship for participating in the Richard Coase Institute’s Workshop (2001)

Administrative Experience:

  • 📚 Member of Library Committee and Intellectual Property Group at CSIR-NISTADS
  • 🏛 Member of Management Council and Knowledge Resource Committee at NCAER
  • 🌐 Organizer of various workshops and conferences on economic and statistical issues

Sanjib Pohit is a distinguished economist with expertise in international trade, institutional economics, and climate change. His extensive research contributions, leadership in various projects, and academic endeavors underscore his commitment to advancing economic knowledge. With a diverse background and a global perspective, Pohit continues to make significant contributions to the field of economics.

👨‍🔬 Research Focus:

Sanjib Pohit’s research primarily centers on enhancing economic relations and shaping policies for sustainable growth. His co-edited work, “India-Pakistan Trade: Strengthening Economic Relations,” reflects a commitment to fostering bilateral ties. Additionally, publications like “GHG Emissions and Economic Growth” underscore his focus on environmental sustainability. The “India Science & Technology” volumes, co-edited by Pohit, delve into the nation’s technological landscape. Collaborative efforts on trade perception surveys and analyses of futures market impacts showcase his keen interest in economic dynamics. Pohit’s work in investment policy, evident in publications like “Investment Policy in India,” highlights a broader commitment to shaping strategic economic agendas. 📈🌍


  • 555 Citations: This represents the total number of times the person’s work has been cited by other researchers, indicating the impact and influence of their contributions.
  • 516 Documents: This likely refers to the total number of scholarly documents authored or co-authored by the individual.
  • 35 Documents: This could represent the number of documents that have been used or referenced in various research contexts.
  • 9 h-index: The h-index is a measure that considers both the number of publications and the number of citations. An h-index of 9 means that there are 9 documents that have each been cited at least 9 times.


Publications Top Notes:
  1. Measuring Export Related Port Logistics in India: An Attempt to Rank Major Ports
    • Authors: D. Mukhopadhyay, S. Pohit, D.B. Gupta
    • Journal: Foreign Trade Review, 2023, 58(3), pp. 401–411
  2. The Economic Implications of Air Pollution: A Case of Two Cities
    • Authors: S.R. Chowdhury, S. Pohit, R. Singh
    • Journal: Margin, 2023, 17(1-2), pp. 94–112
  3. Garnering the fiscal stimulus: A bargaining game
    • Authors: I. De, S. Pohit
    • Journal: Economic and Political Weekly, 2021, 56(3), pp. 16–19
  4. Recycling carbon tax for inclusive green growth: A CGE analysis of India
    • Authors: V.P. Ojha, S. Pohit, J. Ghosh
    • Journal: Energy Policy, 2020, 144, 111708
    • Citations: 64


Eduardo Pereira Cabral Gomes | Crop Production | Best Paper Award

Dr Eduardo Pereira Cabral Gomes | Crop Production | Best Paper Award

Pesquisador Científico at  Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais, Brazil

Eduardo Pereira Cabral Gomes is a Brazilian ecologist born on February 9, 1962, in São Paulo. He holds a Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of São Paulo, obtained in 1998, with a focus on the dynamics of the arboreal component of a forest area in São Paulo. His academic journey also includes a Master’s degree in Ecology and a Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences, both from the University of São Paulo.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

👨‍🎓 Education:

  • Ph.D. in Ecology, University of São Paulo, 1993-1998
  • M.Sc. in Ecology, University of São Paulo, 1988-1992
  • Specialization in Mathematics and Statistics, Federal University of Lavras, 2005-2007
  • B.Sc. in Biological Sciences, University of São Paulo, 1981-1984

Professional Experience:

  1. Instituto de Botânica – IBT
    • Position: Public Servant
    • Director of Reserva Biológica do Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba
    • Position: Adjunct Professor V
    • Research in Biodiversity and Conservation
  3. Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – MACKENZIE
    • Position: Part-time Lecturer
    • Taught courses in Mathematics and Botany
  4. Universidade de Taubaté – UNITAU
    • Position: Collaborator
    • Accredited Professor in the Environmental Sciences Postgraduate Program
  5. Universidade São Judas Tadeu – USJT
    • Position: Collaborator
    • Taught courses in Terrestrial Ecology

👨‍🔬 Research Focus:

  • Ecological Plant Dynamics
  • Biodiversity and Conservation Management
  • Phytosociology and Population Dynamics


  • Citations: The person has received a total of 204 citations across 193 documents. This indicates the impact and influence of their research within the academic community.
  • Documents: The individual has contributed to 19 documents. These could be research papers, articles, or other scholarly publications.
  • h-index: The h-index is a metric that reflects both the productivity and impact of a researcher’s work. In this case, the h-index is 8. This means that there are 8 papers that have each been cited at least 8 times.


Publications Top Notes:
  1. Title: Impacts of bamboo dominance and die-off on seedling dynamics in a tropical secondary forest (Brazil)
    • Authors: Grombone Guaratini, M.T., Gomes, E.P.C., Alves, L.F.
    • Journal: Austral Ecology, 2024, 49(1), e13479
  2. Title: Litter decomposition in a remnant of Atlantic Rain Forest and bamboo dominance
    • Authors: Vieira, M.S., Dos Santos, A.R., Lopes, M.I.M.S., Gomes, E.P.C.
    • Journal: Forest Systems, 2022, 31(3), e019
    • Citations: 1
  3. Title: Community structure of polypores (Basidiomycota) in a restored Brazilian Forest
    • Authors: Alcantara, A.A., Pires, R.M., Gomes, E.P.C., Barbosa, L.M., Gugliotta, A.M.
    • Journal: Lilloa, 2022, 59, pp. 409–426
  4. Title: The success of algae with luxury P uptake and mixotrophy in P-limiting periphyton within-reservoir spatial heterogeneity
    • Authors: Ferragut, C., dos Santos, T.R., Pellegrini, B.G., Souza, M.L., Gomes, E.P.C.
    • Journal: Hydrobiologia, 2022, 849(15), pp. 3435–3447
  5. Title: Ecological implications of twentieth-century reforestation programs for the urban forests of São Paulo, Brazil: a study based on litterfall and nutrient cycling
    • Authors: Ferreira, M.L., Barbosa, M.F., Gomes, E.P.C., de Camargo, P.B., Lafortezza, R.
    • Journal: Ecological Processes, 2021, 10(1), 27
  6. Title: Floral morphology and pollen viability of an endangered and endemic Bromeliaceae species from the Atlantic Forest
    • Authors: Santos, V.L.D., Nievola, C.C., Fidalgo, A.D.O., Gomes, E.P.C., da Luz, C.F.P.
    • Journal: Grana, 2021, 60(5), pp. 327–346



Arezoo Paravar | seed physiology | Best Researcher Award

Mrs Arezoo Paravar | seed physiology | Best Researcher Award

PhD at Shahed University,Iran

Arezoo Paravar is a highly skilled Agronomist with a Ph.D. in Agronomy from Shahed University, Tehran, Iran. With a GPA of 18.76 (out of 20), she specialized in the field of plant physiology, seed physiology, seed production, and seed storage. Arezoo has more than nine years of experience, including roles as a Laboratory Assistant in Plant Physiology and Seed Science and Technology at Shahed University.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

  • Ph.D. in Agronomy, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran (2016-2021)
  • M.Sc. in Seed Science and Technology, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran (2013-2015)
  • B.Sc. in Crop Production and Plant Breeding, University of Birjand, Iran (2010-2013)

🏆 Awards and Honors:

  • Top Researcher, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran (2022)
  • Ranked 1st GPA (Ph.D. and M.Sc.), Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
  • Top 0.2% Nationwide in Plant Production Ph.D. Exam
  • Top 0.2% Nationwide in Seed Science and Technology Master’s Exam

👩‍🔬 Research Experience:

  • Investigated maternal plant environments’ impact on seed quality and longevity
  • Explored physiological and biochemical changes during seed maturation
  • Published in prestigious journals on plant and seed-related research

🛠️ Skills:

  • Expertise in R, SAS, and SPSS software
  • Proficient in statistical analysis and modeling
  • Skilled in seed viability modeling

🏆 Notable:

  • Awarded for outstanding academic achievements
  • Recognized for excellence in seed-related research

👨‍🔬 Research Focus:

Arezoo Paravar’s research primarily centers on understanding the intricate dynamics of seed physiology, with a particular emphasis on Lallemantia iberica and Lallemantia royleana. Her work investigates the impact of maternal environments, including drought stress and temperature variations, on seed quality and plant growth. 🌾 She explores innovative approaches such as seed coating with beneficial microbes, nano-iron chelate applications, and mycorrhizal fungal inoculation to enhance crop resilience under environmental stresses. 🌿 Her studies contribute valuable insights to sustainable agriculture, addressing challenges related to water stress, nutrient management, and eco-agronomical traits. 🌍 #SeedPhysiology #SustainableAgri #CropResilience

Publications Top Notes:

  1. “Storage Circumstance Effects”
    • Investigates how storage conditions influence seed quality under maternal drought stress.
    • Journal: Environmental and Experimental Botany (2024) 🌿🌾
  2. “Physiological and Biochemical Parameters”
    • Explores the impact of seed moisture, temperature, and storage duration on Lallemantia iberica.
    • Journal: Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2023) 🌡️🔬
  3. “Morphological, Physiological, and Biochemical Responses”
    • Studies Lallemantia species’ reactions to elevated temperature and light during seed development.
    • Journal: Heliyon (2023) 🌞🌱
  4. “Microbial Seed Coating for Sustainable Agriculture”
    • Reviews the benefits of microbial seed coating as a tool for sustainable agriculture.
    • Journal: Biotechnology Reports (2023) 🌱🔍
  5. “Nano-Iron Chelate and Mycorrhizal Mitigation”
    • Explores the mitigating effects of nano-iron chelate and mycorrhizal fungi on water-stressed Lallemantia species.
    • Journal: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (2023) 💧🌿
  6. “Fatty Acid Composition under Water Deficit”
    • Examines the modulation of fatty acid composition and eco-agronomical traits in Lallemantia species exposed to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and nano-iron chelate fertilizers under water deficit conditions.
    • Journal: Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 🌊🌱

This body of work contributes significantly to the understanding of seed responses to environmental stresses, paving the way for sustainable agricultural practices. 🌍🌱 #SeedResearch #SustainableAgri #EnvironmentalBotany


Gilles Rolin Ananfack kenfack | Agroforestry | Young Scientist Award

Mr Gilles Rolin Ananfack kenfack | Agroforestry | Young Scientist Award

PhD Student at  University of Dschang, Cameroon

Gilles Rolin Kenfack Ananfack is a dedicated conservationist and Program Manager at CASUDEV in Dschang, Cameroon, since February 2022. He holds a Master’s degree in Natural Resource Management (Agroforestry/Ecological Intensification) from the University of Dschang, Cameroon, earned in 2019. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Integrated Management of Forest and Agroforestry Resources, expected to be completed in 2024.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

📚 Education:

Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Integrated Management of Forest and Agroforestry Resources (In Progress) University of Dschang, Cameroon, 2019-2024 Master’s in Natural Resource Management (Agroforestry/Ecological Intensification) University of Dschang, Cameroon, 2017-2019 Bachelors in Environmental Chemistry University of Dschang, Cameroon, 2013-2016

🌳 Work Experience:

Program Manager at CASUDEV, Dschang, Cameroon February 2022 – Present Led Forest Elephant Conservation Project in Campo Ma’an National Park, reducing poaching by 20%. Orchestrated value chain establishment of Mondia Whitei, enhancing local community access. Managed financial oversight and partnerships.

🛠️ Skills:

Policy Development and Implementation. Value Chain Development in Forestry and Agroforestry Products. Biodiversity Conservation and Landscape Restoration. Gender and Development Approaches. Administrative Management. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Social Impact Assessment (SIA). Technical Proficiency in GIS tools, statistical analysis software (SPSS, R)


Research Focus 🌱🔬:

Gilles Rolin Kenfack Ananfack’s research encompasses a multidimensional exploration of bamboo agroforestry and ecosystem dynamics in Cameroon. His work, as evident in published articles like “Farmers’ local knowledge of soil fertility in bamboo plantations” and “Assessing Growth Parameters from Culm Cuttings of Bambusa vulgaris,” delves into understanding the intricate relationship between bamboo cultivation, soil fertility, and the implications for rural livelihoods. Additionally, his contribution to the manual on bamboo agroforestry in Cameroon demonstrates a commitment to practical knowledge dissemination. Collaborative efforts, such as the spatiotemporal study on land use dynamics in afromontane ecosystems, further highlight his engagement in broader research addressing environmental sustainability and the impact on specific tree species in the Adamawa region.

Publications Top Notes:

Certainly! Here are the publications mentioned in the provided information:

  1. Title: Farmers’ local knowledge of soil fertility in bamboo plantations in the Western Highlands, Cameroon
    • Authors: Gilles Rolin Kenfack Ananfack, Emile Temgoua, Marie Louise Avana Tientcheu
    • Published in: Advances in Bamboo Science, 2023, 4, 100031
    • Citations: 1
  2. Title: Assessing Growth Parameters from Culm Cuttings of Bambusa vulgaris at the University of Dschang Botanic Garden, West Region of Cameroon: Implications for the Bamboo Resource Base and Rural Livelihoods
    • Authors: Gilles Ananfack, Atchombou B, Zanguim HT, Awazi NP, Tassiamba SN, Tientcheu LT, Nfornkah BN, Kaam R, Tchamba MN
    • Published in: Open Journal of Forestry, 2021, 12.1, 88-106


Taimoor Javadi | Horticulture | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr Taimoor Javadi | Horticulture | Best Researcher Award

Academic staff at University of Kurdistan, Iran

Timoor Javadi is an associate professor born on July 24, 1972. He specializes in Horticultural Science and Engineering, holding a prominent position in the academic realm. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise, Professor Javadi contributes significantly to the field, leaving a lasting impact on the world of horticulture.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

Research Focus 🌱🔬:

Timoor Javadi’s research primarily focuses on the physiological responses of various pear genotypes to environmental stress, particularly drought. His investigations delve into the intricacies of proline accumulation, leaf water relations, and the impact of water stress on growth and biochemical characteristics in pear varieties. Additionally, he explores innovative approaches, such as the use of paclobutrazol on Beirut variety pear seedlings under drought conditions. Javadi extends his expertise to diverse crops, studying water consumption efficiency in basil plants and the effects of potassium sulfate foliar application on grape traits. His research spans horticultural sciences, water and soil dynamics, and plant disease control. 🍐🌱🔍



Timoor Javadi’s research has garnered substantial attention, with a total of 946 citations since its inception. Since 2019 alone, his work has received 672 citations. The h-index, a measure reflecting both productivity and citation impact, is 17 for the entire period and 14 since 2019. The i10-index, indicating the number of publications with at least 10 citations, stands at 24 overall and 19 since 2019. These metrics highlight the enduring impact and relevance of Javadi’s contributions to the academic community. 📊🔍👏