Getahun Haile | agro-forestry | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr  Getahun Haile |  agro-forestry | Best Researcher Award

Dilla University, Ethiopia

Getahun Haile Atlabachew is an Ethiopian academic and researcher specializing in Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management. Born on May 10, 1975, in Ethiopia, he has made significant contributions to the field of natural resources management, particularly in agro-forestry and sustainable agriculture.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

Academic Qualifications:

  • Ph.D. in Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management (2017) from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. His doctoral thesis focused on “Plant Diversity, Soil Quality, and Crop Productivity in Smallholder Agricultural Landscapes, Central Ethiopia.” He published three articles from his Ph.D. dissertation in peer-reviewed journals.
  • MSc in Tropical Land Resources Management (2007) from Mekele University, Ethiopia, with a thesis on the effects of cutting size and season of planting on the vegetative propagation of Boswellia papyrifera.
  • BSc in General Forestry (2001) from Debebu University, Wedo Genet College of Forestry, Ethiopia.

Work Experience:

  • Instructor at Shire Endesilasie TVET College, Tigray, Ethiopia (2001-2007).
  • Lecturer at Dilla University, Ethiopia (2007-2012).
  • Ph.D. candidate at Addis Ababa University (2012-2017).
  • Assistant Professor at Dilla University since 2017, actively involved in teaching and supervising graduate students in agro-forestry and natural resources management.

👩‍🔬 Research Focus:

Dr. Getahun Haile Atlabachew’s research focus revolves around the sustainable management of agricultural landscapes, soil properties, and biodiversity in Ethiopia. 🌱 His work encompasses the impact of land-use changes on soil fertility, carbon, and nitrogen stocks, as well as the effects of indigenous knowledge systems on tree conservation and acidic soil amendments. 🌍 Dr. Haile explores the role of indigenous sacred forests as tools for climate change mitigation and investigates morphometric analysis for prioritizing sub-watersheds and water management practices. His diverse contributions to agroforestry, soil science, and environmental conservation highlight his dedication to sustainable agricultural practices. 🍃

Publications Top Notes:
  1. “Soil Property and Crop Yield Responses to Variation in Land Use and Topographic Position: Case Study from Southern Highland of Ethiopia”
    • Journal: Heliyon (2024)
    • Contributor: Getahun Haile
  2. “Soil Properties, Crop Yield, and Economic Return in Response to Lime Application on Acidic Nitisols of Southern Highlands of Ethiopia”
    • Journal: International Journal of Agronomy (2023)
    • Contributor: Getahun Haile
  3. “Comparative Study on the Effects of Acacia albida on Yield and Yield Components of Different Cereal Crops in Southern Ethiopia”
    • Journal: Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science (2021)
    • Contributor: Getahun Haile
  4. “Plant Diversity and Determinant Factors Across Smallholder Agricultural Management Units in Central Ethiopia”
    • Journal: Agroforestry System (2016)
    • Contributor: Getahun Haile
  5. “Time of Collection and Cutting Sizes Affect Vegetative Propagation of Boswellia papyrifera (Del.) Hochst through Leafless Branch Cuttings”
    • Journal: Journal of Arid Environment (2011)
    • Contributor: Getahun Haile

Sinan Demir |  Soil Survey | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr Sinan Demir |  Soil Survey | Best Researcher Award

Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Turkey

Sinan Demir is a Turkish agricultural scientist and academic, currently serving as an Assistant Professor at Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi in the Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. He obtained his Ph.D. in Horticulture from Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi in 2020, focusing on the field of Soil Science.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

📚 Education:

  • 🎓 Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences, Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi, 2018-2020
  • 🎓 M.Sc. in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2013-2017 (CGPA: 4.0/4.0)
  • 🎓 B.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2008-2013 (CGPA: 2.58/4.0)

🌏 Professional Experience:

  • 👨‍🏫 Dr. Öğr. Üyesi (Assistant Professor), Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi, 2022-Present

👩‍🔬 Research Focus:

Dr. Sinan Demir’s research primarily revolves around soil science, geomatics, and environmental sustainability. His recent work delves into post-fire erosion assessment using the RUSLE equation in the Manavgat River Basin. Applying geospatial techniques and geographic information systems (GIS), he identified suitable agricultural areas in Isparta Province. In precision agriculture, he contributed to yield prediction models for organic oil rose farming using agricultural UAV images and machine learning algorithms. Dr. Demir’s diverse studies extend to aggregate stability estimation in semi-arid climates, physico-chemical changes in lithic xerorthent soils, and the impact of organic fertilizers on soil quality. His expertise spans the intersection of technology, agriculture, and environmental resilience.

Publications Top Notes:

Silvaldo Silveira | forestry crops | Outstanding Scientist Award

Prof Silvaldo Silveira | forestry crops | Outstanding Scientist Award

Professor at Darcy Ribeiro North Fluminense State University,Brazil

Dr. Silvaldo Felipe da Silveira is an accomplished Agronomist, holding a Ph.D. in Agronomy with a specialization in Phytopathology from the University Federal de Viçosa, Brazil (1996). Currently serving as an Associate Professor at the Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (UENF) in Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, he has been actively contributing to academia since 1996.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

  • Ph.D. in Agronomy (Fitopatologia), UFV, 1996
  • B.Sc. in Agronomy, UFV, 1991

🏢 Professional Affiliation:

  • Professor Associado at Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (UENF) since 1996.
  • Founder and Coordinator of the Clinic Fitossanitária at UENF.
  • Currently serving as Head of the Laboratory of Entomology and Phytopathology.

👨‍🏫 Teaching Experience:

  • Currently teaches in the areas of Fitopatologia/Mycology.
  • Involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate education.

👩‍🔬 Research Focus:

Silvaldo Felipe da Silveira, an accomplished researcher and professor, has a diverse research focus spanning plant pathology, microbiology, and agronomy. His recent works include developing a diagrammatic scale for quantifying black spot severity in papaya leaves and exploring mutualistic interactions between Trichoderma longibrachiatum and Serratia marcescens for plant growth promotion. Silveira has also contributed to studies on endophytic fungi associated with bromeliads in restingas, showcasing his expertise in biodiversity research. With a keen interest in phylogeography, he has investigated the distribution of Asperisporium caricae isolates along the Brazilian coastal regions. 🌱🔬📚


Publications Top Notes:

  1. Title: Diagrammatic scale for the quantification of black spot severity in papaya leaves
    Journal: Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy
    Publication Date: 2023-08-22
    Contributors: Helenilson Oliveira Francelino; Marcelo Vivas; Ramon de Moraes; Júlio Cesar Gradice Saluci; Janiele Maganha Silva Vivas; Derivaldo Pureza da Cruz; Geraldo de Amaral Gravina; Silvaldo Felipe da Silveira
    Source: Crossref
  2. Title: Mutualistic interaction with Trichoderma longibrachiatum UENF-F476 boosted plant growth-promotion of Serratia marcescens UENF-22GI
    Publication Type: Other
    Publication Date: 2020-08-26
    Contributors: Régis Josué de Andrade Reis; Alice Ferreira Alves; Pedro Henrique Dias dos Santos; Kamilla Pereira Aguiar; Silvaldo Felipe da Silveira; Luciano Pasqualoto Canellas; Fábio Lopes Olivares
    Source: Crossref
  3. Title: Fungos endofíticos associados a bromélias de restingas, do Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil
    Journal: Research, Society and Development
    Publication Date: 2020-06-20
    Contributors: Gustavo de Andrade Bezerra; Vicente Mussi-dias; Pedro Henrique Dias dos Santos; Beatriz Murizini Carvalho; Tathianne Pastana de Sousa Poltronieri; Silvaldo Felipe da Silveira
    Source: Crossref
  4. Title: Sensitivity of hyperparasitic fungi to alternative products for use in the control of papaya black spot
    Journal: Brazilian Journal of Biology
    Publication Date: 2020-02-17
    Contributor: Silvaldo Silveira
    Source: Silvaldo Silveira
  5. Title: Phylogeographic distribution of asperisporium caricae isolates in Brazilian southeastern and northeastern coastal regions, Distribuição filogeográfica de isolados de asperisporium caricae no litoral do sudeste e nordeste brasileiro
    Journal: Bioscience Journal
    Publication Date: 2019
    Contributors: Dos Santos, P.H.D.; de Oliveira, C.R.R.; Gonçalves, V.M.L.; Aredes, F.A.S.; Carvalho, B.M.; Pereira, M.G.; da Silveira, S.F.
    Source: Silvaldo Silveira via Scopus – Elsevier Publications

John Benavides | Sustainable Agriculture | Excellence in Research

Assoc Prof Dr  John Benavides | Sustainable Agriculture | Excellence in Research

Investigador, Colômbia

Dr. John Alexander Benavides Piracón, born on August 8, 1979, in Bogotá, Colombia, is a 44-year-old professional with a diverse background in public health, environmental health, and occupational safety. He holds a Ph.D. in Public Health from the State University of Feira de Santana (2022), a Master’s in Health and Occupational Safety from the National University of Colombia (2010), and a degree in Medical Surgery from the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (2005).


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Academic Achievements:

  • Ph.D. in Public Health, State University of Feira de Santana, 2022
  • Master’s in Health and Occupational Safety, National University of Colombia, 2010
  • Medical Surgeon, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, 2005

👨‍💼 Professional Experience:

  • Current Role: Science and Technology Manager, Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation.
    • Focus on health sovereignty missions, international relations, and reducing gaps in STI for health.
  • Previous Roles:
    • Leader of the Health Research Center, North Integrated Health Services Subnetwork.
    • Lecturer at University of the Rosario and Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca.
    • Researcher at the National Institute of Health.
    • Associate Professor at Universidad EAN, with various responsibilities and research projects.
    • Specialized Professional at District Health Secretariat, managing health surveillance projects.
    • Medical Researcher at Ergonomics Laboratory, National University of Colombia.
    • Occupational Health Instructor at National Learning Service SENA.

🏆 Awards:

  • Scholarship for student exchange in Latin America, the Caribbean, or Canada (EkoSanté), November 2014.
  • Doctoral studies scholarship from the Organization of American States (OAS), December 2017.

Research Focus 📝:

🔬 Dr. John A. Benavides Piracón’s research encompasses diverse areas with a primary focus on environmental health. His work delves into understanding personal exposure to air pollution on main roads in Bogotá, employing a mixed-method approach. Additionally, he explores the impact of pesticides on school-age children’s cognitive abilities in rural Bogotá, contributing to the field of neurotoxicology. With expertise in analytical methods, he validates techniques for determining manganese and lead levels in human hair and nails. Dr. Benavides Piracón’s dedication to assessing exposure levels, especially for vulnerable populations like people with disabilities in rural homes, reflects his commitment to advancing environmental health research. 🌍💡


Publications Top Notes:
  1. Title: Assessment of Factors Influencing Personal Exposure to Air Pollution on Main Roads in Bogota: A Mixed-Method Study
    • Authors: Malagón-Rojas, J.N., Parra-Barrera, E.L., Toloza-Pérez, Y.G., …, Morales, R., Sarmiento, O.L.
    • Journal: Medicina (Lithuania), 2022, 58(8), 1125
    • Abstract: The study explores various factors influencing personal exposure to air pollution on main roads in Bogota, utilizing a mixed-method approach for a comprehensive understanding.
  2. Title: Validation of an Analytical Method for the Determination of Manganese and Lead in Human Hair and Nails Using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
    • Authors: Forero-Mendieta, J.R., Varón-Calderón, J.D., Varela-Martínez, D.A., …, Acosta-Velásquez, R.D., Benavides-Piracón, J.A.
    • Journal: Separations, 2022, 9(7), 158
    • Abstract: The research focuses on validating an analytical method for determining manganese and lead levels in human hair and nails using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry.
  3. Title: Prenatal and postnatal exposure to pesticides and school-age children’s cognitive ability in rural Bogotá, Colombia
    • Authors: Benavides-Piracón, J.A., Hernández-Bonilla, D., Menezes-Filho, J.A., …, Muñoz, I.A.M., Pardo, M.A.H.
    • Journal: NeuroToxicology, 2022, 90, pp. 112–120
    • Abstract: Investigates the impact of prenatal and postnatal exposure to pesticides on the cognitive ability of school-age children in rural Bogotá, Colombia.
  4. Title: Exposure levels to PM2.5 and black carbon for people with disabilities in rural homes of Colombia
    • Authors: Martínez Vallejo, L.A., Hernández Pardo, M.A., Benavides Piracón, J.A., …, Molina Achury, N.J.
    • Journal: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2021, 193(1), 37
    • Abstract: Examines exposure levels to PM2.5 and black carbon for people with disabilities in rural homes of Colombia, addressing environmental health concerns.
  5. Title: Professional practice of physiotherapy graduates of Universidad Nacional de Colombia in the context of the Colombian health system | Práctica profesional de los egresados del programa de Fisioterapia de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en el marco del sistema de salud Colombiano
    • Authors: Molina-Achury, N.J., Vianna-D’avila, A.L., Benavides-Piracón, J., Quintana-Cortés, M.A.
    • Journal: Revista Facultad de Medicina, 2017, 65(2), pp. 311–319
    • Abstract: Explores the professional practice of physiotherapy graduates from Universidad Nacional de Colombia within the framework of the Colombian health system.

Sisay Belay Bedeke | Sustainable Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Dr Sisay Belay Bedeke | Sustainable Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Researcher at  Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia

Sisay Belay Bedeke, PhD, is an Ethiopian researcher and project coordinator, born on June 11, 1986, in Arba Minch. He holds a PhD in Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics from Ghent University, Belgium, specializing in social vulnerability to climate change, resilience, and adaptation strategies in Ethiopia.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓


  • PhD (2014-2020): Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics, Ghent University, Belgium
  • MSc (2009-2011): Rural Development, Haramaya University, Ethiopia
  • BSc (2005-2007): Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Haramaya University, Ethiopia


  • Researcher & Project Coordinator (11/2013-till now): Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia
    • Research: Sustainable agro-food systems, climate-smart agriculture, and food security.
    • Coordination: Conflict resolution, climate vulnerability, gender analysis, and sustainable land management.
    • Teaching: Sustainable development, environment, and society.
    • Supervision: Overseeing partner projects, MSc, and PhD projects.
  • Project Coordinator (01/11/2021-30/10/2023): CORDAID-WSU Project Office
    • Coordinated projects on local crop production for sustainable livelihood and biodiversity management.
    • Managed project schedules, resources, and communication with stakeholders.
  • Visiting Researcher (05/2022-08/2022): University College Dublin, Ireland
    • Conducted research on model farm planning and climate-resilient dairy, feed, and pasture value chains.
  • Lecturer & Researcher (09/2007-10/2013): Haramaya University, Ethiopia
    • Conducted research on sustainable livelihood, climate adaptation, and irrigation development.
    • Coordinated research projects and promoted operational plans.
    • Taught environmental management, project planning, and ecological dynamics.
  • Project Officer (07/2007-10/2007): Institute of Sustainable Development, Ethiopia
    • Assisted in the development of action plans and ensured grant operations.
    • Conducted rapid need assessments and assisted in program evaluations.


  • Programming R and GIS for Agriculture (Jan-Mar 2020), Ghent University, Belgium
  • The Business Plan, Planning for Success (Oct 2017), Global Affairs Canada
  • Research Design Methods (Dec 2015-Mar 2016), Ghent University, Belgium
  • Analysis of Variance (Jan-Mar 2016), Ghent University, Belgium
  • Linear Regression (Oct 2016-Mar 2017), Ghent University, Belgium
  • Scientific Data Analysis and Management (May 2013), Haramaya University, Ethiopia

Research Focus 📝:

Dr. Sisay Belay Bedeke’s research spans diverse aspects of climate change and agricultural sustainability in Ethiopia. His work, published in reputable journals, includes a comparative analysis of farm household livelihood vulnerability to climate-related risks in southern Ethiopia. Dr. Bedeke explores spatiotemporal variability and trends in rainfall and temperature, crucial for climate change adaptations in rural communities. Additionally, he contributes to assessing climate change-induced poverty among mixed crop-livestock smallholders in Wolaita Zone. Through his research, Dr. Bedeke advocates for bundling conservation tillage, improved crop varieties, and diversification to enhance food security. He also delves into the lessons Ethiopia can draw from China’s rural industrialization for sustainable development. In examining local cognition’s impact on climate change adaptation, Dr. Bedeke emphasizes the farmer’s perspective.


Publications Top Notes:

Muthulakshmi P | Sustainable Agriculture | AgriInnovator in Academia Award

Dr Muthulakshmi P | Sustainable Agriculture | AgriInnovator in Academia Award


Dr. P. Muthulakshmi is an accomplished Computer Science professional with a Ph.D. in Computer Science from SRM University, focusing on “Performance Enhanced Task Scheduling Algorithms for Grid Computing Environment.” With 19 years of experience in academia, she currently serves as a Professor. Her research spans Smart Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, Parallel and Distributed Computing (Grid Computing, Cloud Computing), Algorithms, and Semantic Web.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

📚 Education

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, SRM University, 2016
  • M.Phil. in Computer Science, Periyar University, 2004
  • M.Sc. in Computer Science, Nehru Memorial College, Bharathidasan University, 2001
  • B.Sc. in Computer Science, Sri Sarada Niketan College for Women, Bharathidasan University, 1999

👩‍🏫 Experience

  • Total: 19 years
  • Current: Professor at SRM Institute of Science and Technology since March 2007
  • Previous: Valliammal College for Women, Anna Nagar, Chennai

🎓 Academic Responsibilities

  • Member of Exam Cell, Question Paper Setting, Board of Studies
  • Program Coordinator, Placement Coordinator, Project Guide
  • Coordinator for NAAC, NIRF, and Anti Ragging Cell
  • Class Advisor, Online Education Coordinator

Research Focus 📝:

Dr. P. Muthulakshmi’s research focus revolves around advancing task scheduling algorithms for efficient Grid Computing. 🖥️ With a keen interest in heterogeneous environments, she has contributed significantly to scheduling policies and strategies. Her work, including the development of the “Enhanced DAGitizer” and “Critical Task First Algorithm,” emphasizes optimizing task scheduling in parallel applications. 🔄 Through publications in renowned journals such as the “International Review on Computers and Software,” she has explored scheduling strategies, task duplication, and low-complexity algorithms. Driven by a passion for enhancing grid computing performance, her research lays the foundation for improved computational efficiency in diverse computing environments. 🚀


Publications Top Notes:

Mekonen Getachew Abebe | Urban Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Mr Mekonen Getachew Abebe | Urban Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Lecturer at  Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Mekonen Getachew Abebe is a dedicated male lecturer currently serving at Bahir Dar University in Ethiopia. Born on January 16, 1995, in North Wollo, Ethiopia, he resides in Bahir Dar City. Mekonen is married and holds Ethiopian nationality.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🏫 Educational Qualification:

  • MSc Degree in Livelihood and Food Security, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia (2019-2021) – CGPA: 4.00/4.00
  • BSc Degree in Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia (2014-2018) – CGPA: 3.95/4.00
  • Advanced Diploma in Agriculture, Arava International Center for Agricultural Training, Israel (2015)

👔 Work Experience:

  • Current Position: Lecturer at Bahir Dar University, Disaster Risk Management, and Sustainable Development Department.
  • Supervisor: World Food Program (WFP), Assurance Project (Oct-Dec 2023)
  • Research Focus: Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction, Livelihood, and Food Security.
  • Community Service: Emergency Management and Fire Disaster Prevention Training.

📜 Certificate:

  • Fire Emergency Prevention and Control Mechanism Awareness
  • Gender Responsive Effective Teaching Skills
  • Training Workshop on Nature-Based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Certificate for Team Leadership in Emergency Management System Training Curriculum Development
  • DHS Data Analysis (STATA Software) and SPSS Data Analysis
  • Organizational Capacity Assessment Training by USAID

🏆 Awards:

  • 2018: Gold Medal Winner, Bahir Dar University Graduate Class
  • 2021: Best Project Award Winner, Bahir Dar University

👨‍🔬 Research Focus:

Mekonen Getachew Abebe is a distinguished researcher with a keen focus on the intersection of urbanization and food security in Ethiopia. In his insightful contribution to the Journal of Agriculture and Food Research (2024-03), he delves into the impacts of urbanization on food security, presenting a comprehensive review supported by empirical evidence. Through this work, he explores the dynamic challenges and opportunities arising from Ethiopia’s urban growth, shedding light on the implications for the nation’s food security landscape. 🌆🍲 Additionally, his involvement in the preprint “Gender-specific Vulnerability on Climate Change and Food Security Status” (2023-07-03) demonstrates a broader research portfolio. Collaborating with a diverse team, Mekonen investigates gender-specific vulnerabilities in agroforestry systems across multiple countries, offering valuable insights into the intricate relationships between climate change, gender dynamics, and food security. 🌍🔍🌳

Publications Top Notes:

Rupal Mangukiya | Climate Change | Member

Dr Rupal Mangukiya | Climate Change |  Member

Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator at  Cottey College, United States

Rupal D. Mangukiya is an accomplished professional with 9 years of full-time equivalent experience in teaching and research at the college and university level. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Environmental Science and Public Policy from George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA, with a GPA of 3.7. Her academic journey also includes a Master of Science in Environmental Science & Technology from the Institute of Science and Technology for Advanced Studies and Research in India, and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Natubhai V. Patel College of Pure and Applied Sciences, India.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

🎓 Education:

  • Ph.D. in Environmental Sci. and Public Policy, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA (2014-2020)
  • M.Sc. in Environmental Science & Technology, ISTAR, Charuter Vidya Mandal University, India (2009-2011)
  • B.Sc. in Environmental Science, NVPAS, Charuter Vidya Mandal University, India (2006-2009)

👩‍🏫 Teaching Experience:

  • Current Position (08/2021 – Present):
    • Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator of Environmental Studies at Cottey College, Nevada, MO.
    • Courses: Introductory Environmental Science, Geographic Info Systems, Environmental Justice, World Regional Geography, and Capstone Courses.
    • Responsibilities: Curriculum development, teaching, advising, managing research projects, and organizing co-curricular activities.
    • Administrative duties include updating program goals, curriculum, course schedule, and budget.

Research Focus:

Ph.D. research covered Waterscape Ecology/Management, Environmental Policy, Land use Modeling Techniques, Geographic Information System (ArcGIS), Quantitative Methods, and Intro to Natural Resource Law.

Dr. Rupal D. Mangukiya is a dedicated educator and researcher, passionate about fostering environmental awareness and sustainable practices. Her expertise extends to curriculum development, research, and program coordination. With a commitment to utilizing technology for effective teaching, she plays a pivotal role in shaping the Environmental Studies program at Cottey College. Connect with her on LinkedIn for insights into environmental science and education. 🌿📚


Publications Top Notes:

Gandura Abagandura | Soil health | Women Researcher Award

Dr Gandura Abagandura | Soil health | Women Researcher Award

Post-Doctoral Researcher at  University of Nebraska Lincoln, United States

Dr. Gandura Abagandura is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, specializing in sustainable agriculture, soil health, and greenhouse gas emissions. He earned his Ph.D. in Plant and Environmental Sciences from Clemson University in 2016, with a minor in Statistics. Prior to his current position, he worked as a Soil Scientist in Libya and held roles such as Arabic Tutor and Research Assistant at Clemson University.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓


Ph.D., Clemson University, South Carolina, United States, 2016 Plant and Environmental Sciences 🌱 Minor in Statistics, Clemson University, South Carolina, United States, 2016
Mathematical Science 📊 Higher Diploma in English, Amal Institution, Libya, 2008 Linguistic Excellence 📚🇱🇾 M.S., Omar Almukter University, Libya, 2007 Department of Soil and Water Sciences 💧🌍 B.S., Omar Almukter University, Libya, 2004 Department of Soil and Water Sciences 🌱📈


 Sustainable Agriculture: Implementing practices like rotational grazing, no-till, cover crops, and integrating livestock to optimize environmental integrity 🌱🌾 Soil Health: Evaluating and enhancing soil health and microbial activity for resilient agricultural systems 💧🌱 Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Specialized in studying and mitigating CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions for sustainable environmental practices 🌍🔍 Carbon, Methane, and Nitrogen Cycles: Understanding and managing essential elements in the agricultural ecosystem 🔄🌾 Water Quality: Assessing and optimizing water quality in agricultural settings 💦🌾 Logistic Models: Utilizing mathematical models for predictive analysis and decision-making 📊🔍 Spatial Modeling: Employing spatial modeling techniques for effective land management 🗺️🌾 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis: Applying robust methodologies for accurate research findings 📈🔬

Employment History:

2008-2010: Soil Scientist, Agricultural Research Center, Libya 🇱🇾 2013-2014: Arabic Tutor, Clemson University, South Carolina, United States, English Department 📚🗣️ 2015-2016: Research Assistant, Clemson University, South Carolina, United States, Plant and Environmental Sciences 🔬🌱 2017 (July)-2019 (December): Post-Doctoral Researcher, South Dakota State University, South Dakota, United States, Department of Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science 🌾🔍 2020 (January)-Present: Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska, United States, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture 🌽🔬

Research Skills:

Dr. Abagandura’s extensive skill set includes expertise in sustainable agriculture techniques, greenhouse gas flux measurements, soil and water sampling, and precision agriculture using GIS and UAVs. His proficiency in data analysis with JMP, SigmaPlot, and R Software reflects his commitment to producing robust research findings.

Research Focus:

Passionate about environmental issues, Dr. Abagandura’s research revolves around sustainable agriculture practices, soil health enhancement, and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. His expertise spans a wide range of areas, including carbon cycles, water quality, and logistic models.


All-time Metrics (Since Start of Career):

  • Citations: 327
  • h-index: 12
  • i10-index: 14

Metrics Since 2019:

  • Citations: 322
  • h-index: 12
  • i10-index: 14

Dr. Gandura Abagandura’s impactful research has garnered 327 citations throughout their career, demonstrating a consistent scholarly influence. Since 2019, their work has been cited 322 times, reaffirming the sustained relevance and significance of their contributions to the scientific community. The h-index and i10-index, both standing at 12 and 14 respectively, reflect the depth and breadth of their scholarly impact. 📚🔍


Publications Top Notes:



Taimoor Javadi | Horticulture | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr Taimoor Javadi | Horticulture | Best Researcher Award

Academic staff at University of Kurdistan, Iran

Timoor Javadi is an associate professor born on July 24, 1972. He specializes in Horticultural Science and Engineering, holding a prominent position in the academic realm. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise, Professor Javadi contributes significantly to the field, leaving a lasting impact on the world of horticulture.


Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓

Research Focus 🌱🔬:

Timoor Javadi’s research primarily focuses on the physiological responses of various pear genotypes to environmental stress, particularly drought. His investigations delve into the intricacies of proline accumulation, leaf water relations, and the impact of water stress on growth and biochemical characteristics in pear varieties. Additionally, he explores innovative approaches, such as the use of paclobutrazol on Beirut variety pear seedlings under drought conditions. Javadi extends his expertise to diverse crops, studying water consumption efficiency in basil plants and the effects of potassium sulfate foliar application on grape traits. His research spans horticultural sciences, water and soil dynamics, and plant disease control. 🍐🌱🔍



Timoor Javadi’s research has garnered substantial attention, with a total of 946 citations since its inception. Since 2019 alone, his work has received 672 citations. The h-index, a measure reflecting both productivity and citation impact, is 17 for the entire period and 14 since 2019. The i10-index, indicating the number of publications with at least 10 citations, stands at 24 overall and 19 since 2019. These metrics highlight the enduring impact and relevance of Javadi’s contributions to the academic community. 📊🔍👏