Jailane Aquino | Food Security

Prof Jailane Aquino: Leading Research in Food Security
Professor at  Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil

🌱🔬Dr. Jailane de Souza Aquino is a distinguished Professor at the Department of Nutrition, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil, where she has been serving since 2006. As the Head Researcher of the Experimental Nutrition Laboratory, she leads groundbreaking studies focusing on nutritional interventions in rats induced with chronic non-communicable diseases across different life stages. Dr. Aquino is also a dedicated mentor, advising medical students on exchange in Brazil through IFMSA-Score Research Exchange.🌍🌾

Publication Profile:🌟👨‍🎓
👨‍🎓 Education:

Dr. Jailane de Souza Aquino’s academic journey is marked by excellence and diverse expertise. She earned her Doctorate in Nutrition from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco in 2011, focusing on the physical and chemical evaluation of buriti oil in rats and its utilization in cookie formulations. Under the guidance of Advisor Tânia Lúcia Montenegro Stamford, she delved into the experimental aspects of this research.

Prior to her doctoral studies, Dr. Aquino completed her Master’s in Science and Technology of Food at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba in 2007. Her thesis, under the mentorship of João Andrade da Silva, explored the technical viability of industrializing infertile ostrich eggs.

Her academic journey includes a Specialization in Exercise Physiology from the Universidade Veiga de Almeida in Rio De Janeiro (2006), where she investigated the hormonal response to resistance training during short-term creatine supplementation under the guidance of Advisor Alexandre Sérgio Silva.

Dr. Aquino’s educational foundation in nutrition was laid during her undergraduate studies at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, where she graduated in 2003. Throughout her academic pursuits, she received a scholarship from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.

This well-rounded educational background, coupled with her extensive research and contributions, has shaped Dr. Aquino into a distinguished figure in the field of nutrition and experimental studies. 🎓🔬


Dr. Jailane de Souza Aquino’s impressive career is adorned with numerous accolades, showcasing her outstanding contributions to the field of nutrition and experimental research. Some of her notable awards include:

  • 2022 Neuronutri Honorable Mention:
    • “Jejum de Dias Alternados Minimiza Parâmetro Tipo Ansiouso em Ratos Wistar”
    • “Protocolos de Jejum Intermitente Modificam a Tolerância à Glicose e Insulina de Ratos Wistar”
  • 2021 1º Congresso Internacional de Intervenção na Saúde e no Exercício (CIISE) Honorable Mention:
    • “Jejum Intermitente Associado ao Exercício Aeróbico Diminui Comportamento Depressivo em Ratos Wistar”
  • 2019 UFPB Young Researcher Award:
    • “A Suplementação com Mucuna pruriens Pode Alterar Parâmetros Bioquímicos de Ratos Wistar Obesos?”
    • “Composição Corporal e Parâmetros Murinométricos de Ratos Wistar Obesos Suplementados com Mucuna pruriens”
  • 2018 Various Honorable Mentions and Awards:
    • “Comparação de Modelos Dietéticos na Indução de Alterações na Microbiota Intestinal de Ratos Wistar”
    • “Efeito do Consumo de Jambo (Syzygium malaccense) sobre o Perfil Lipídico de Ratos Wistar Dislipidêmicos”
    • “Efeito do Consumo em Curto Prazo de Diferentes Óleos Vegetais sobre o Status de Vitaminas Antioxidantes em Ratos”
  • 2018 XIV Congresso Internacional de Nutrição Funcional Award:
    • “Influência da Dislipidemia Materna durante a Gestação e Lactação sobre a Função Intestinal e o Metabolismo Lipídico Materno e da Sua Prole”
  • 2017 II Simpósio Nordestino em Neurociências, Nutrição e Desenvolvimento Humano Honorable Mention:
    • “Efeito Ansiolítico de Dois Compostos de Zinco em Ratos Wistar Sadios”
  • 2017 Prêmio Nelson Chaves:
    • “Suplementação de Dois Compostos de Zn e seu Efeito no Controle Glicêmico, Lipídico e Oxidativo em Ratos”
  • 2016 I Congresso Internacional de Nutrição Funcional e Nutrignômica Honorable Mention:
    • Awarded for oral presentation
  • 2016 I Simpósio Internacional sobre Nutrição, Atividade Física e Saúde Honorable Mention:
    • Recognized during the symposium
  • 2015 XXIII ENIC Award:
    • “Propriedade Prebiótica de Resíduos de Frutas Tropicais Avaliada em Ratos Sadios”
  • 2014 ENID – Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) Award:
    • Iniciação à Docência 2014

These awards highlight Dr. Aquino’s exceptional work in areas such as intermittent fasting, nutritional interventions, and the prebiotic properties of tropical fruit residues. 🏆🔬

Research Focus 🌱🔬

Dr. Jailane de Souza Aquino’s research spans a diverse array of topics, showcasing her versatile expertise in nutrition and experimental studies. Her investigations include the antioxidant and lipid-lowering effects of buriti oil, the potential of acerola by-products in mitigating lipid, glucose, and inflammatory changes, and the neurobehavioral and intestinal health effects of extra virgin coconut oil in obesity-induced rats. She explores the impact of intermittent fasting and aerobic exercise on oxidative parameters and muscle damage, as well as the consequences of maternal high-fat diet on the neurobehavioral and inflammatory parameters of adult female rat offspring. Dr. Aquino’s work extends to the anti-obesity effects of non-conventional edible plants like foroba, emphasizing a holistic approach to health and nutrition. 🌱🔬

